The Help Force Vibes – Sanya

Welcome back to the Help Force Vibes! This is a blog where it has amazing people, fun vibes, and interesting answers. The main idea of this post is getting some associations with what people are known by! Today, I have brought a very sweet and humorous HF troop with me! Read the blog to know more.

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Spill The Tea – Delitager

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Welcome back to the spectacularly entertaining column Spill The Tea. In this post, I force Delitager, the writer of this column, to herself spill some tea about herself and her interests. I know, it is quite an amazing inversion of roles. This is why I’m the best thing that happened to this website, suck it Jayden.

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Hi Folks! Today we logged onto CPAB for an intense battle training! Congratulations everyone, the performance was really great! Thank you all for coming and thank you Snowflake and Wynn for leading it.

MAX: 36+

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Food for Every Soul

Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this post, I decided to interview the HF’s Junior Staff Major General: Archana!

Savage Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

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Hi everyone! Today we logged onto CPAB, Ice Breaker for a funny, dinosaur-themed practice battle against our allies, Ice Warriors! Sadly the game couldn’t handle letting all those dinosaurs out and crashed for many people. Thank you for everyone who stayed with us till the end and thank you ROOBOO and Snowflake for leading!

MAX: 25+

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CP Knowledge: Rockhopper and Yarr

Someone say, pirates? Look no further for in this CPKnowledge series, I’ll be talking about the Red bearded Penguin known as Rockhopper along with his friend Yarr. This pirate sailed more seas than you could imagine, along with his puffle friend Yarr.

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