Food for Every Soul

Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this post, I decided to interview the sus King of the East, HF’s Legend, Vedant/Barney! 

Savage Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

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Hey Helpers! Today we had a 3-way battle between the Coconuts, Cookies, and our allies, Army of Club Penguin. Defending and proving which food was better was surely an interesting event. Thank you to Wynn, and Mantiuxx for leading today’s battle and to those who attended! Special thanks to ACP for joining us today.

MAX: 26+

Comment below if you attended!

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Help Force More Like

Zamb owns.

How Would You Help?

Hey Helpers! Welcome back to the “How Would You Help” series. This series is dedicated to bringing the HF Staff Team’s responses to various situations or their experiences to you. I ask these questions to hopefully give you a little insight on what the staff does and help you get to know the staff members.

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Faces of the Force – katiee

Welcome back fellow helpers of the Help Force! This week on Faces of the Force we are greeted by a cheery and enthusiastic Helper! She has been climbing steadily in a few months, even becoming a new junior staff member! You can miss her Goomba profile picture joining in on fun events! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force Brigadier katiee!

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on for our massive Hide and Seek event featuring coconut and cookie teams! Each team wore their respective uniforms to support their teams. Special thanks to Yoda, Maya, and Wynn for leading today! Thank you to all who attended, see you next time!

MAX: 22+

Comment below if you attended!

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HF Insight: The Preparation of Food Battles

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!


Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • Scorp’s GOTW Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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Double Trouble – Ally and rev

Helpers, Bello! I hope everything is going well for everyone and that you’re making some excellent friends (if you don’t, this series will cease to exist). I, Ru, am back with another episode of our blog, Double Trouble! In this series we interview two friends to learn more about what makes their friendship so great. This time, Ally and Rev join us from their respective sickbeds. Do not judge their answers, they used their last two brain cells to answer my questions. Who do you believe is the bully among this duo?


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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB for the first event of our Coconuts vs Cookies Theme Week. Hope you all had great fun! Don’t forget to choose your team and start earning points. Thank you for coming and thank you Desireus and Yoda for leading!

MAX: 33+

Comment below if you attended!

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The Veterans Lounge – Morty

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – The Veteran’s Lounge is a column where I interview Help Force’s most impactful or interesting veterans. Through these columns, we find out more about their past and the things they’ve learned! In today’s release we have with us Morty, one of the oldest legends and founding members of the Help Force. Like seriously, this guy is ancient. Not to be confused with Mortimer Morty Smith Jr.

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