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Faces of the Force – katiee

Welcome back fellow helpers of the Help Force! This week on Faces of the Force we are greeted by a cheery and enthusiastic Helper! She has been climbing steadily in a few months, even becoming a new junior staff member! You can miss her Goomba profile picture joining in on fun events! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force Brigadier katiee!

Katiee seems to have an eye on winning GotW, since she is actively participating in fun events. Fellow coconut lover katiee loves to cook as one of her hobbies. Quite the shy type, katiee shines in her participation. Although she does not talk quite often, her attendance shines in events! A lot can be look forward to her helping attitude. Let’s find out in the interview section what other hobbies and interests she has.

Hi katiee!! How are you doing today?

hiiii! i am pretty good, thank you for asking

Welcome to Junior Staff btw! Why did you decide to apply?

i wanted to be junior staff because i have found a lot of friends here and i would like to be a goodinfluence and there for people, just like many of the staff have done for me.

You must be ready to not be fed for the rest of the time then

yes, i have enjoyed my last meal knowing there will be no more 🙁

What would be your final last meal if you had to choose one?

pasta. i am a pasta enthusiast xD

Do you have a favorite form (shape) of pasta?

the little shells, they are amazing <333

With those pasta shapes, what do you make?

i actually really enjoy cooking, i like to try different recipes and types but i think i’d have to go with the classic tomato pasta bake hahaha

How did you come to join Help Force?

i was just playing the game one day (cpr) with my brother trying to get to black belt. people started coming to the dojo saying to go to the ice berg. i went to there and lots of hf people were there, and someone kindly instructed me and a few others how to join. i don’t know who recruited me but it was hosted by Diwix so i will thank him heheh

When was the exact date you joined?

25th march, 2022

Did you have a favorite event you attended so far?

probably the stars event, i just feel it went really successful and i enjoyed it

Do you have any event ideas you would chip in?

maybe one where we would all wear those huge puffle costumes, i think that would be funny. we could do it in the pet shop. i don’t know if this has already been done but if it hasn’t i think i would enjoy it

Who have you become close with in Help Force?

definitely jonathan, i’m getting quite close with him, i’m also friends with some other people for example bean and nene

Is Club Penguin a childhood game for you?

it was a very big part of my childhood, i have fond memories of it, i used to play not just by myself but sometimes with my friend or my sister

What is your favorite game in Club Penguin?

my favourite mini game was definitely pufflescape, i spent hours on it, though i also liked puffle rescue even though i was terrible at it xD

Do you have a favorite puffle color?

white puffles, but i also loved the special puffles like deer, dogs and cats when they were introduced

What else do you enjoy doing aside from cooking?

ice skating is probably my favourite thing to do ever, but i’m also a big fan of swimming, writing poetry, and sewing

Would you like to share any poetry or sewing you have made/done?

well my sewing i do as gifts mostly for my family, i like to make little animals. my poetry helps to get my emotions out, it’s not the best but it makes me feel better and i do like writing, i’ve always been an advanced student in the subject so i was writing short stories as young as 5 years old, like mini stories on some paper with some little illustrations. nearly all of the stories were centred around animals xD sorry for the long reply haha

What animals do you like?

my favourite animal is guinea pig, i’ve had some as pets for quite some time now, i also love cats and zebras

What is the name of your guinea pig?

milo and sootie!

Do you have a favorite city you visited?

anywhere in spain, especially along the coast. it is a beautiful country

Do you have a favorite season?

always summer, the weather’s beautiful, you can go to the beach, and my birthday is also in summer

You have a goomba as your profile pic, is there a reason why?

he is just really cute xD

Do you have any advice to share with fellow Helpers of Help Force?

basically just be nice and have fun, the whole reason you’re here is too enjoy it so make the most of your time :))

That’s it for this week’s Faces of the Force! Strike a conversation with katiee and maybe she will tell you her birthday! You will find her to be very easy to talk to and you won’t regret it either! Remember to leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed reading so far. Tune in next week for another Face of the Force!

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