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CP Knowledge: Aunt Arctic

Grab your notepads, because in this week’s post we’re going to talk about Aunt Arctic.

Aunt Arctic also known as AA was a news reporter for the Club Penguin Times. Not only was she a famous news reporter for the Club Penguin Times, but she was also the Editor in Chief. She started with the Ask Aunt Arctic column where you could ask her simple things or help with something. I know I did just to see myself in the paper I would ask her silly things like, “How, was your day?” But because she was busy with other penguins’ questions, I don’t think I ever saw mine in the column. In celebration of Club Penguin’s 12th anniversary, she attended the 12th Anniversary Party.

During her time as Editor in Chief, no one knew what went on when she wasn’t writing a story. You might have seen her in The Case of the Missing Puffles mission. However, she wasn’t just doing that. You might remember a post about the Director’s identity. That’s where I’m headed because Aunt Arctic also directed a whole agency. The only question I have for Aunt Arctic is where did she find the time?

She could’ve had someone else do the writing or pretend to answer the questions while Aunt Arctic went to the agency. Then, that leaves me to when Operation Blackout happened. Was it she who knew this whole time Herbert was behind it all? This leads me to another question why not tell us it’s Herbert, he’s been defeated before. I guess we won’t ever know how she did everything without blowing her secret.

She may have fooled us all and left us with questions. We believe she chose to hide because it could’ve attracted more villains. Wherever she is I do hope she is still writing. Ask Aunt Arctic may not be available, but it is in our memories. Waddle on Aunt Arctic. Waddle on.

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