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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on CPR for yet another server invasion. Today we managed to expand our territory even more by claiming Anorak Pointe. The event was led by Jayden, Wynn, Scorp, Vedant and Amelia. Thank you to those who attended! Till next time!

Max: 29+

Comment below if you attended!

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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[11/07 – 17/07]

Hi Helpers! Welcome to yet another Weekly Reflection! Here you can find interesting news, statistics and trivia about the Help Force. We had a week busy with preparations for the Legends Cup Tournament, practising during invasions and battles. You all did fantastic this week! I’m excited to see the next one being even better!

Max Averages

AUSIA: 41 [2↓]
EU: 41 [-]
Main Event Max: 45 [2↑]

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Hi Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a practice battle with our allies, the Ice Warriors. it was a vert fast, exciting battle! Thank you all for attending! 

Onwards And Upwards #PreparationForDomination.

MAX: 45+

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Tips to reduce lag on Club Penguin Rewritten!

Hey Helpers! 

I’ve seen many of you have experienced lag with the new Club Penguin Rewritten HTML5 client, So here are a few tips and tricks to help reduce lag on your game. Continue reading

Help Force Story Source, by Komal

Hey Help Force! I’m back with another blog post, but this time I’m changing it up. I hope you’ve been able to read some of my previous stories in the old Help Force Beacons. As a continuation, I’m starting a new story series set in the same “timeline,” if you will. It’s not necessary to have read the previous stories, just know that Elp, Ayan, Spotty, me, and some others created a “real life stamp app.” Also, Ayan got slapped a lot. Without further ado, enjoy the story:

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Greetings Friends! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten – ASCENT and successfully played a friendly battle against SP in which we dominated and had a fun time with huge respect to them for a good game we call it! We did some stunning tactics and formations around the Town, Pet Shop, and Ice Berg! Led by Maya, Snowy, Wynn, and ROOBOO. Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 40+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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Food For Every Soul

Welcome back Folks!!! Welcome to another edition of Food for Every Soul a series by Maya and I where we interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For our this post , we decided to interview the Cricket lover, funny, Christian Grey of HF Major General Sam Chilies Chilles!! Continue reading

Patrons of Patreon: AbsoluteTrash123

Welcome Back lovely people! It’s the return of Patrons of Patreon coming at you with an exclusive interview with AbsoluteTrash123, better known as Osama, Trash or Oldie. Osama here is a Help Force General and also one of our generous Phoenix donators! Without further ado let’s get into the interview shall we?

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Server – Ascent for an invasion which went smoothly and successfully. This time we conquered the server called ‘Crunch’ on the CP Armies Map and expanded our territory even more. Led by Wynn, Rooboo and Amelia, it was a beach – themed event where we wore anything beach-related and did quite some formations and tactics. Until next time, where we see you all at many more Big Events, Battles or Games!

Max: 35+

Comment below if you attended the Event!!

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