The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

  • Daily HF Update
  • Random Facts
  • Helpers Book Club
  • Game Corner
    – Word Search
    – Unscramble
    – HF Trivia
  • Art & Meme of the Week
  • Question of the Week

Weekly HF Update

  • Fashion Show!! On Saturday an exciting three-round fashion show was hosted on CPR. Congrats to all the winners!:dogdance:
  • Branch Battle! On Friday we saw Team Water take home yet another win. GG to both teams! :teamwater: :teamfire:

Random Facts

  1. DID YOU KNOW, In the UK, The Queen legally owns all unmarked swans.
  2. DID YOU KNOW, A starfish can turn its stomach inside out.
  3. DID YOU KNOW, The average person living in Sweden eats about 22 pounds of chocolate a year.
  4. DID YOU KNOW, Finland has more saunas than cars.
  5. DID YOU KNOW, Montana has three times as many cows as it does people.
  6. DID YOU KNOW, Parts of the Great Wall of China were made with sticky rice.
  7. DID YOU KNOW, “Happy Birthday” was the first song ever played on Mars.

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

HF Adventures

— Snowflake❄Soft, HF General

Wearing Blue Jackets with a smile on their faces excitement is filling the air while they are reaching the main chamber a day was long awaited for, Help Force members meeting at last.
Short after members took their sites dim light covered the room and everyone’s mobile started ringing, all sights were on pursuit of the heavy footsteps on the stage, someone stormed up of their sit knocked of the glass of Milk with a sudden shout ‘Oh No, look at your mobiles!’ said Wynn (since it is her dream she should start the fuss).

‘Bad Internet, Wynn you spilled the spiders and mosquitoes’ Diwix said
‘SMH this is bad’ said Maya
‘Yes what will RooBoo drink now?’ said Diwix
‘Maya means Rubik Warlocks’ Said Snow
‘IT’S NOT ME, IT’S MY INTERNET show me’ Said Diwix
‘They are in the Server!’ Said Diwix
‘Ahh What’d they are after now?’ Said Jayden while adjusting his name tag.
‘The Key Of Course’ someone shouted on the stage
‘They Took Over HF Server!’ Ameliaa(Chloe) said
‘Where is Elp?’ Rooboo Said
‘Where is Barnito, Ayan and Nell?’ said Ru
‘They are arriving soon as we know’ Said Alex
‘Jayden they took them all along with the Joe and the Legends!’ Snowy Said

‘We Didn’t Just Take Them My Dear, They Are All Rubik Cubes HAHAHA’ Rubik Warlocks Leader Said
‘Oh No!’ , ‘What Will We Do?’ Help Force Members talking
‘They are All Rubik Cubes but One Who has the Key, Give Him to Us and you all will be safe’ Rubik Warlocks Leader Said
‘It Most be the Key Keeper!’ Rooboo said
‘Elp, You Have 24 Hours’ Rubik Warlocks Leader Said and left Laughing however HF Members were in worry and disturb ‘what will become of us?’ ‘what will we do?’
What Will Happen to HF? and How will They get back the Leaders? Where is Elp? To Be Continued..

Game Corner

Games in the HF Beacon??? This section features three amazing games and puzzles for you to think and play. Keep your answers ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Word Search

.find the words listed in the picture below.


.given below are jumbled words related to the Help Force. unscramble them and win prizes.

(answer to the previous edition’s unscrambled: Formation, Alliance, Brotherhood, Beacon, Rookie)






HF Trivia

.find the answers to the questions given below.

(answers to the previous edition’s trivia: Five, Zipline, #art-memes)

1. How many legends are in the HoF?

2. What is the name of the 2021 HF awards?

3. How many stars are needed to get something on the starboard?

Art & Meme of the Week

Skimming through the amazing art-memes channel in our discord, we’ve chosen the best ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon!


By MechanizedSpitfire#9206

Question of The Week

Coffee or Tea? Pineapple on a Pizza? No definite answers for the QOTW! Keep your answer ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Which rank color is your favorite?

DM Jayden#2004 on Discord the answers to the Word Search (highlight the words and take a screenshot), Unscrambled Words, HF Trivia, and the Question of the Week to win Sapphires :HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Unleash the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)