The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

  • Daily HF Update
  • Random Facts
  • Helpers Book Club
  • Game Corner
    – Word Search
    – Unscramble
    – HF Trivia
  • Art & Meme of the Day
  • Question of the Day

Daily HF Update

  • Branch Battle! Yesterday we saw teams fire and water battle it out. Did you represent your team? :teamfire::teamwater:
  • Theme Events! We had some fun theme events last week. Did you come sit beside us at the bugged bunnies event? :comesitbesideme:

Random Facts

  1. DID YOU KNOW, Most supermarket wasabi is actually horseradish.
  2. DID YOU KNOW, Ketchup used to be used as a medicine.
  3. DID YOU KNOW, White chocolate isn’t chocolate.
  4. DID YOU KNOW, Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.
  5. DID YOU KNOW, One in four hazelnuts ends up in Nutella.
  6. DID YOU KNOW, Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth.
  7. DID YOU KNOW, Turkey consumes the most tea per person.

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

Sledding Adventures

— PinguMaliz, HF Blogger

I was sledding and noticed a penguin in front of me, about 250 meters. I could tell he was sledding a little slower than me and decided to try to catch him. I had about a kilometer left on the road before turning off to the Pizza Parlour.

So I started sledding faster and faster. With every pile of snow, every tree, and every ice patch, I was gaining on him just a little bit. After just a few minutes I was only about 40 meters behind him, so I really picked up the pace and pushed myself. You would have thought I was sledding in a major sled racing competition!

Finally, I caught up with him and passed him by. On the inside, I felt so good. “I beat him”, but he didn’t even know we were racing.

After I passed him, I realised that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had missed my turn, and had gone all the way to the cove! “I’m never making that mistake again”, I told myself firmly after having to go all the way back again.

Finally, I got to the Pizza Parlour and ordered my favourite pizza. It tasted better than ever!
The End.

Game Corner

Games in the HF Beacon??? This section features three amazing games and puzzles for you to think and play. Keep your answers ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Word Search

.find the words listed in the picture below.


.given below are jumbled words related to the Help Force. unscramble them and win prizes.

(answer to the previous edition’s unscrambled: Island, Specialist, Beach, Emote, Helpers)






HF Trivia

.find the answers to the questions given below.

(answers to the previous edition’s trivia: Ayan and Elp, Cat, Commodore)

1. What is the name of HF’s new training program?

2. What’s the first rank above Helper?

3. How many icons are in the Hall of Fame?

Art & Meme of the Day

Skimming through the amazing art-memes channel in our discord, we’ve chosen the best ones for the day! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon!

By trintrin#7107

By syd#2184

Question of The Day

Coffee or Tea? Pineapple on a Pizza? No definite answers for the QOTD! Keep your answer ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions. The best answer will be featured in the next edition!

What is your favorite movie?

DM Jayden#2004 on Discord the answers to the Word Search (highlight the words and take a screenshot), Unscrambled Words, HF Trivia, and the Question of the Day to win Sapphires :HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for today fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Help Force Beacon Team

(Barnito, Jayden, Joe, Snowy, PinguMaliz)

Your Answer (no email required)