GoTW #123

Hello Helpers! Warmest congratulations to SwagerGamer on earning his first Gamer of The Week! This award was well-deserved after a week full of fun events and recruiting. May this be the first of many more achievements to come in the future!

GoTW #122

We’re really happy to congratulate RSNAIL for winning his first Gamer of The Week award! He was active the whole week, recruiting and attending events! Keep it up bud!

HF Patrons of Patreon: Krebi

Welcome back friends to Patrons of Patreon the greatest mini-series that provides you with insight into how the  gracious donators to the HF Patreon vibe. Stepping into the spotlight today we have HF Commodore Krebi!  :crabrave:

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HF Insight: The Shine of Glorious Soldiers

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Interview and Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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Get To Know The Help Force Staff: Mayathefirst

Welcome back to Get To Know The Help Force Staff, the series that interviews the dedicated staff that run HF! Today we have Mayathefirst who has been a HF Marshal since January 2021 and is an active member of the US division. Without further ado let us get into the interview!

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CPRewritten: Easter Scavenger Hunt Guide

The new Easter themed scavenger hunt is finally here on CPRewritten! And we are here with all the locations of the eggs for you to obtain them easily and to grab the prizes before its too late! Keep reading the post to know more.

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Nap Segment Insights

Welcome back to Nap Segment Insights, a weekly series dedicated to everyone’s favorite type of seg: napping! I’m sorry for not updating last week; in order to know what I’m writing about, I decided to take a nap. Unfortunately, that nap turned into a coma and I think I broke the world record for longest time asleep.

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten for an amazing event! We had fun with tons of beautiful formations, tactics and emotes. The rooms we used were Town, Iceberg, and the coffee shop! The event was led by Rooboo, Amy, Snowy and Slush. Thank you for coming Helpers! See you guys at the next event! 

MAX: 40+

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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[28/03 – 03/04]

Hi Helpers! Welcome to the new Weekly Reflection where you can find some interesting news and statistics about the passing week. INT events went very successfully and the long-awaited Branch Battles are back! Thank you everyone for the amazing work and let’s keep improving in the near future!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 42 [-]
EU: 40 [19↓]
INT: 48 [24↑]
Main Event Max: 38 [12↓]

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