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[EU] Lasso Takeover

Hey Helpers! Today the EU division logged onto CPR and roped in promotions easily for a Lasso Takeover on Beanie. The Event was held in rooms such as The Docks, Cove & Ice Rink led beautifully by Holly, Rooboo & Janez. Good Job Helpers.

MAX: 44+

Comment below for promotions!

Thanks for attending this event, We hope to see you again!
Unleash The Power Of Helping!

32 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. I attended!

  3. I was there as Jc101

  4. Planet was there as CoolBlue4!!

  5. I attended!
    dis Urkugs
    cpr morpork Vimes

  6. The tactics were amazing today.. Loved it. Thank you for hostinnnggg <3 ^_^
    Cpr: SevdalizaRu
    Dis: Ru

  7. I came… Comedyguy

  8. I attended name : Janisamazing

  9. i came

  10. Attended- thanks for hosting

  11. i was there

  12. This event was the west!! Thanks for hosting!!!
    Cpr name: why not 1001

  13. I attended.
    CPR: Fred Chilles
    Discord: Sam Chilles

  14. I was there! Until CPR crashed for me

  15. Thank you! Cpr – HFBF2

  16. I attended, thanks for hosting!

  17. Can I have a cookie for attendance? (CPR Nessmuk)

  18. Thank you for hosting!!! Tactics were awesome as always!
    i attended! -Thetical#5252

  19. ireliaa

  20. I attended

  21. I attended, thx for histing!! =)

  22. Attended, it was great as always!, discord name- Anish Sangpa, Penguin name’s GojiraMosura

  23. I attended, it was fun! Thank You for Hosting!!
    CPR: MEGHANwithanH
    DIS: ChefMeggo (Meghan)

  24. First time attending as BTS21

  25. Discord name= unixpete penguin= Lilpengu2010

  26. Attended! Loved the event ! Tysm for hosting!!! -sods

  27. attended, cpr: MileyGreat (or P and some numbers, did not yet verify it) , disc: Miley#8475

  28. I attended

  29. I attended, great job everyone disc is perry

  30. Thank YOU for hosting, DM a cool song name please Thank you Snowflake❄Soft.

  31. I came 🙂

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