[INT] Operation Spirit

Hey helpers! Today we logged on into HF ISLAND for our Operation Spirit! It included the Stadium, Docks and the Snow Forts led by Jayden, Holly and Rooboo respectively! The event had amazing tactics and formations! Good job Helpers!


Comment below for Points!

Unleash the Power Of Helping!

14 Responses

  1. I attended!


  3. Attended

  4. I was there, ty for hosting!

  5. I attended (with my alt account)
    pragya tanu

  6. Thank YOU ALL for Hosting, Snowflake.

  7. i attended!

  8. Thank you so much for hosting <3

  9. I attended! 🙂

  10. i attended,, tysm for hosting

  11. attended

  12. i attended

  13. I attended

  14. I attended!

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