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[INT] Operation: Prosperity

Hey helpers! Today we logged on into CP Armies for our Operation Prosperity! It included the Iceberg, Snow Forts and the Stadium led by Riley, Rooboo and Monika respectively! The event had amazing tactics and formations! Good job Helpers!

Max: 41+

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32 Responses

  1. pinktheking1-i came

  2. I attended! Thank you for hosting!!
    Penguin name – disha511
    Discord – Disha#2388

  3. It was amazing and full on prosperous lmao <3 Thank you for hosting guys ^_^

  4. I attended.
    Discord- Valour#0849
    CPA- Valour

  5. Penguin Name : Albert
    Discord: ¡albert!#2310

  6. CPA name-BigMuffin99 discord-BigMuffin69

  7. I attended!! And it was amazing!! Ty for hosting!!

  8. I came!
    In game name: VInjVaccine
    Discord: Vaccine Injured Vaccine #4700

  9. I attend!
    Peguin name: Mayathefirst
    Discord: Mayathefirst#7505

  10. I came, great event
    penguin name: Ireco
    Discord: Ireco#7131

  11. i attended! ty for hosting!
    discord: alex1904
    cpa: alex1907

  12. My discord user is Jenny!! ;)#0451 😀 and my cpa username was JennyHF!!

  13. i attended! ty for hosting!
    discord: stemv#5882
    cpa: stamv

  14. I attended

  15. CPA Name: Jooniee7
    Discord Name: Joonieee7
    Hi! I attended the event! TY for hosting!.

  16. Thank YOU so MUCH for Hosting, Give me my ping please Snowfalke-Soft.

  17. i attended ty for hosting

  18. I came!

  19. Thanks for hosting! HFBF!💙

  20. Ty for hosting!

  21. I attended

  22. I cam- *has a stoke again* eughghghgh -Skillz btw

  23. Foofee was there too!
    CPA: FooFee113
    Discord: Joe | Foo

  24. I was there. Thanks for hosting.

  25. I attended!

  26. Discord: Venkids
    CPA: Venkids
    I attended this event!

  27. I was there! Meaghan is my username on both

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