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[AUSIA] Puffle Takeover

Hey Helpers, today we logged on to CPR – Blizzard for our Puffle Takeover. This event was led by Jayden, Riley and Marshmallow. We did formations and amazing tactics as well! Great Job Helpers! AUSIA FORCE BEST FORCE!

Max: 56+

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36 Responses

  1. i came-pinktheking or kingpink2005

  2. I came, DragonBall67

  3. i attended

  4. I attended

  5. I attended, Janisgreat

  6. I was there!

  7. i attended! ty for hosting 😋

  8. Attended (Wynnie 2)

  9. I attended, Claire23Luna

  10. I attended, I was PuffleStew1

  11. Ty for hosting!
    dis: Ireco
    CPR: Ireco17

  12. I was there! Help Force Best Force!💙

  13. I was there as Jxn101, but my connection was lost for most of the battle, ty for hosting

  14. i attended!
    -Thetical at first but relogged as jedlagz

  15. I Attend Ausia – Albert

  16. Ty for hosting! Help Force Best Force!

  17. I came as Arrlowe, Jassie

  18. i attended!

  19. I attended!- Slush/Slushlol

  20. I attended

  21. Discord name – Disha#2388
    Penguin name – dishi511
    I attended!

  22. Damn, I was busy when it happened

  23. Thank YOU All for Hosting, Snowflake.

  24. I attended -2k76

  25. I attended!!

  26. Thank you hosting guys. It was fun♥️

  27. TY FOR HOSTING MARSH AND KARA!!!! This was a fun event 😀

    Discrod- banerbaner

    forgot abt this completely

  29. Thanks for hosting
    CPR- kchatt

  30. i attended (aaron bot)

  31. i was P6947092 in first pic top right light blue with blue puffle

  32. I attended 🙂
    CPR Camaleao7000
    Discord CobraPython #5894

  33. Discord : Nightfury#5251
    CPR : Nightfury216
    CPR alt : P6666916 (NightfuryACP)

    I attended

  34. I attended! Discord: Godzilla, CPR: Gojira1954

  35. Hi i atended Discord:Ashcute CPR:Ashcute its baisicly the same:)

Your Answer (no email required)