[AUSIA] Operation: Gallantry

Hey helpers! Today we logged on into CPArmies for our Operation Gallantry! It included the Stadium, Docks, Iceberg led by Jayden, Stemv and Riley respectively! The event went well with amazing tactics and formations! Good job Helpers!

Max: 31+

Comment below for points!

Unleash The Power Of Helping!

19 Responses

  1. Urkugs I attended!

  2. Josh
    …yeah,i came 🙂

  3. I was there

  4. Skillz
    I came (or something like that) :hehe:

  5. Attended- such a fun event! Thanks for hosting! -Chloe3

  6. Discord name- Kiah (Aussie chicky)
    Cpa- kishalee

  7. Woohoo we’ll win the battle!!! I came

  8. Attended! Ty for hosting!

  9. Discord username: thetical#5252
    CPA username: Thetical
    i attended! ty for hostinggg

  10. I attended! Help Force Best Force!

  11. I attended!

  12. Discord username: Ru#8072
    CPA username: II RU II
    Thank youu for hosting yay <3

  13. i attended! ty for hosting!

  14. I attended,Thanks for hosting!
    CPA username FooFee113

  15. Discord Kiah (Aussie chicky)
    CPA kishalee
    I came!! Thank you for hosting was awesome ❤️❤️

  16. Discord – Joonieee7
    CPA – Jooniee7
    Hi! I Attended the event!

  17. cpa:Nightfury074
    I attended
    ty for hosting

  18. i attended ty for hosting

  19. Thank you for hosting, loved the heart tactic ❤️ Snowflake-Soft.

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