Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Duck Takeover. The rooms we used were Town, Cove, and Iceberg led by Monika, Alexei, and Kendall. We had a quacking ton of fun with all the duck-related tactics and good bombs.

MAX: 38+

Make sure you comment below for points!

Thanks for coming, hope to see you at more events.
Keep Unleashing The Power of Helping!

12 Responses

  1. Attended

  2. hiii i attended

  3. Thanks for hosting, I was there Jcn101

  4. I came :p

  5. THANK YOU FOR HOSTING, Snowflake-soft.

  6. i attended

  7. I was there but I had to leave a bit early sorry 🙂

  8. I attended

  9. i came 🙂

  10. I attended!

  11. i attended

  12. I attended!

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