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HF Insight: Maximum Maxes!

Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short!

The HF Insight will be about the previous Sunday along with the following Week. (i.e. Sunday-Saturday) 

Table of Contents

  • What’s Happening?
  • Week in Short
  • Interviews
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Info

What’s Happening?

Welcome What’s Happening? Here, we will go through all the latest server updates for the week! Of course, we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Happening!

Hey, guess what! Monika became a moderator for the Help Force after her week of trial! Congrats on that Monika. Since we are in the mood of promotions, Hannah became someone to admire! Congrats on getting the 3ic position of Admiral Hannah!

If things couldn’t get any crazier, Monday started off with around 3,600 Members in the Help Force. We ended the week almost at 4,000! Uh-Oh, it looks like stuff got MORE CRAZY! Help Force got 30+ in EVERY. SINGLE. EVENT. in the week. If this isn’t the best force, I don’t know what is!

Things are looking brighter for the website huh? Oh, because its an updated website! We hope you guys like the brand new look!

Week In Short

Sunday, 14th June 2020

Read the Ice Cream v. Pizza Branch Battle post here

The BB leaderboard gets a point for Team Ice Cream giving a score of
:EQ~8:Ice Cream [2 – 0] Pizza :EZ~6:

Monday, 15th June 2020

Today we logged on for CPATG’s farewell party and free-for-all battle! Although it was a bittersweet goodbye, our staff brought home some awards like Prom Queen, Best Couple, and even Best Platonic Friends! Congratz!

Tuesday, 16th June 2020

Tuesday brought a [EU] Duck Defense event! Led by Hannah and Kendall, we suited up in rubber ducks for an event but decided last minute to defend against DCP! We may have lost 1-0, but we maxed 44+ and had a load of quacks!

Wednesday, 17th June 2020

Hang tight Helpers ’cause there’s a lot to unpack here! We started today off with a [AUSIA] Boombox Takeover hosted by Barney, Crystal, and Marshmallow. We danced to some tunes and maxed 58+!
Following the Takeover, we had an [AUSIA] Unscheduled Operation! Lead by Barney and Tistle, we tested out our new temporary CPPS and our AUSIA Division, maxing 34+. It doesn’t stop here!
Nell led a [EU] Stamp Heist later on that maxed 37+! Not only did we recruit some new Helpers but we got loads of stamps as well!
Ending the events, we had our [US] Rake Takeover! Led by Monika, Kendall, and Komal, our event maxed 35+! I’m sure we had no trouble raking up some tactics for this one! 😉

Thursday, 18th June 2020

Thursday brought us our [EU] Bubblegum Bonanza! Led by Nell and Janez, we maxed 42+, took over the Town and Snow Forts, and had some minty fresh tactics to blow everyone away! To add to the wonderful bonanza, we logged to the temporary CPPS for a quick [EU] Mini Practice Operation led by Hannah and Barney with a max of 31+!

Friday, 19th June 2020

Penguins love parties and i couldn’t agree more! So, to help get the wonderful 30 Penguin Party Stamp an [EU] Igloo Raid was organized by the Jelly, Nelly! We had a max of 28+. I guess you can say this event really igloo-ed us together for stamps… I’m sorry.

Saturday, 20th June 2020

Once again, it was time for the ultimate showdown! The Legends Cup X Semi-Finals was here! We went up against the dark Warriors in an intense battle to win. Good news, WE WON! That’s right, the Help Force went against all odds and beat the Dark Warriors! We thank you all for your commitment to the Help Force! Let’s prepare for our next big battle. The Finals! Against the one and only Rebel Penguin Federation!



GoTW Interview
Dated: 19/06/2020


HFI: Hi Snow! It’s nice to have you with us 🙂 How do you feel about having GoTW?

Snow: Hello thank you I honestly don’t know I just feel really honored

HFI: Aww. Is this your first GoTW?

Snow: yes it is

HFI: Nice! How long have you been part of HF?

Snow: Well, I joined last year but I have been absent, I came back almost four weeks ago.

HFI: Aw, we’re really glad to have you back! What’s been your favorite part since you came back?

Snow: Thank you happy to be back. My favorite part that is nothing has changed, the people I have left here they still here, also people who have joined Loving to each other and HF, it’s like continuing where I have left off.

HFI: Aww. I love how caring our community is too. It really goes to show that Help Force really is Family. :heart:

Snow: very true

HFI: So now that you’re GoTW, do you already have a command? If not what do you think it’ll be?

Snow: I do have one, I LOVE IT it is ‘Snowball at your head’ I don’t like cursing so I say it and I can’t throw a snowball at someone’s head in real life, which makes it really fun at HF.

HFI: Aw that’s so cute! Do you have any hobbies or activities you like to do outside of HF? I know with quarantine a lot of people are picking up new skills!

Snow: Yes, a new hobby I started practicing it at the start of quarantine almost four months now kickboxing. I like running and also I consider sleeping a hobby haha but kickboxing I honestly enjoy it is different it calms it gives a clear mind.

HFI: Ooh wow! That’s actually really interesting hahah sounds like fun!!

Snow: It is, I highly recommend it.

HFI: Alright, to end our interview, is there anything you want to say to our Helpers?

Snow: The time that you spend at HF make it worth, when you chat at general laugh to the fullest, when you recruit do not forget to help and to have fun, when you join events don’t forget you are with your family enjoy it and this event is a celebration of success even if it was a battle.

Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the CPAM Top Twenty and the Weekly Review here are the statistics for the week!

Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited 500+ Helpers from 14th – 20th June!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM Jayden#2004 or Alexeii#0615!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!


HFI Co-writers: Alexei and Jayden

Issue #18

3 Responses

  1. to say the least, ir was a week of the best kind of madness


  3. HELP FORCE BEST FORCE! what a nice week :”)

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