Disclaimer: It is guaranteed that this event review will QUACK you up!
Hey there Helpers , Help Force yesterday logged into Zipline to host their Huge Duck Army Event !
Max : 50
I swear, the event started for me right at the quack of dawn:

Then we moved on to a baby shark DUCK tactic that made us quack up:

But then we got really angry… could’ve used a trip to an anger management ducktor

We moved on to unleash the power of helping. HF does this in many ways, but personally, I feel it’s best to help fix anything with duck tape

In a sudden twist, all of us helpers decided to become robber duckies and steal an anchor from the pirates:

Suddenly… a competition of the “louder” pet arose… duck… or puffle… In my opinion though, the loudest pet will always be the trumpet

Our event finished with a statement from our helpers, voicing that they will quack on for HF forever ❤️

That’s all the puns I have. (for now :D) Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post!
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