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The Help Force of CPO

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PandaBelly's retirement ):

Hello everyone! It’s me, PandaBelly. Some of you may know for being a HelpForce Moderator or/and a CPO moderator! As you can probably tell by the heading, I’ve decided to leave the HF. This was a hard decision to make, and they were many factors which influenced my decision. The main being that I am just extremely busy, and as some of you may have noticed, I have become inactive recently. I have also been involved in CP armies for 9 years, and I think I’ve outgrown the concept of armies.
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GoTW #23 – Rorange10

Hey there Helpers , Congratulations to Rorange10 for winning the Gamer of the Week Award in the Help Force. He is the only helper to have won the award for 4 times ! Congratulations Rorange



The Winter Treaty

Hey there Helpers , There are a Few Important things you need to know about the Situation between Help Force and MAC right now :

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Hey there Helpers , Today the Help Force invaded Whiteout ( MAC’s Capital ) and grabbed it away from them. It was a One Sided Battle , and we Unleashed the Power of Helping !
Here are some Pictures from the Battle :

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Help Force VS MAC – Information

Hey there helpers,

Today, the Help Force will battle MAC. I’m here with the details, live on the battlefield. Continue reading


Hey there Helpers , The Help Force had their Operation Scarlet today which was a US Event.
Here are some pictures from the Event itself :

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Hey there Helpers , The Help Force logged into ZIPLINE Stadium to host their AUSIA Event.
It was a Success as we started from around 25 Troops but gained over 40+ at last.
Here are some Pictures from the Event :

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Operation Pacific – SUCCESS

Hey there Helpers , The Help Force had their Operation – PACIFIC which was a US Event.
Here are some Pictures of the Event:

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Operation – AUSIA

Hey there Helpers , The Help Force had Operation – AUSIA on Sunday.
Here are some Pictures of the Event :

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