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Nap Segment Insights: Coconut Scandal

Hello, Helpers, and welcome to the weekly installment of Nap Segment Insights! Those of you who were around in early 2021 may remember my short-lived and ill-advised series based on nap segments. If you do remember this series, I only have one question: Why the hell are you still around?

This week’s topic will be Desireus’ coconuts: Delicious snack, or clever tax evasion scheme?

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Faces of the Force – Elia the Frog

Welcome back to this week’s Faces of the Force! This week we have a special new member of Help Force. He is an active new face who is showing promising enthusiasm and commitment! He is also steadily ranking up and could potentially become your new best buddy! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Elia the Frog!

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Faces of the Force – Winter Storm

Welcome back Helpers to another week in the Face of the Force! We are introducing a special member, a recruiting legend, and a super friendly face! You would have seen their work, floating around as a sticker or a banner. They are one of the creative designers of the Help Force! Introducing the legendary Winter Storm!

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Faces of the Force – Tunaa

Welcome back helpers to this week’s Face of the Force! This week we are interviewing a special face, someone who is up and running to help win in battles. She’s one of few who hypes up the chat and you could not miss her presence. Introducing this week’s amazing member, Tunaa!

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