Veteran’s Lounge: Tistle

Welcome helpers to a brand new series, brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire – take notes Maya)  This week I stole the reigns from Scorp and interviewed HF Trustee and the founder of Tistle Tours, TISTLE!!

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The Great Adventure

Nothing. I’m too lazy to go on an adventure… however, I can tell you about an interesting story I heard today. It happened to my friend, his Discord name is Ruubuu#9101! I swear he’s real, he even has a Chris Evans pfp. He’s a huge foodie, loves eating chicken and pizzas and absolutely loathes Pina Coladas. *cue song: Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes*. Now that we have established the identity of our hero, let’s move on to the main story, in Ruubuu’s own words!

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Third Anniversary Fashion Festival

Hey Helpers!

On the day of HF’s Third Anniversary, we announced that there would be a Fashion Festival Contest wherein members were given one chance to dress up their penguin in the most exquisite style ever and be crowned the Fashion Diva!

Not only do they receive extra Sapphires, but also obtain an exclusive and hoisted role in the discord server!
Join our discord now!

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