Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB for a practice battle against TCP. Great job today, see you at the next event!
Max: 20+
Comment below if you attended the practice battle!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB for a practice battle against TCP. Great job today, see you at the next event!
Comment below if you attended the practice battle!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB for our practice battle against TCP. Thank you for coming, great job today Helpers!
Comment below if you attended!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB to for a fun practice battle with Templars. Thank you Alex and Snowy for leading. Great job today, Helpers!
Comment below if you attended!
Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today, a new addition to HF’s Web Family! CPA Today, brings you news from all across the CPA Community, with the latest ongoings in all the armies! For our first edition, we look back at the past 3 days for all of the armies!
Welcome back Helpers!! Today Help Force logged onto Slushy to invade the server Berg, previously owned by the Templars.
We successfully invaded the server and gained ownership, beating the Templars. As usual, the event was perfect! A huge thanks to everyone that came! Continue reading to see amazing photos from the event!
MAX: 60+
Hey there helpers! Today we logged on CPO and crushed the Templars once again! They tried to gain back the server “Big Surf” from us, but we defended the land that is now ours.
Click continue reading to see some photos of us beating the Trashy Templars once again!
MAX: 50+
Howdy helpers! Today Help Force logged onto Slushy to invade Big Surf from the Templars.
As the Templars didn’t show up for the battle, we gained an automatic victory and successfully invaded the server!! The event went amazingly well with clean tactics and formations and everyone getting hyped up all throughout the event. Keep up the good work guys! <3
Here are some of the pictures taken during the Event:
Max: 50+
Hey there helpers! Yesterday, we successfully defended our alliance server Abominable from the TRASHY TEMPLARS! Abominable is shared with the other armies in the National Armies Alliance; The Royal Family, The Aliens.
Crushing them in every single room, and maxing over 60, the event was very successful. Click continue reading to read on and see some amazing photos from the event!
MAX: 60+
Look at Templars, so sad that we’re better 😂