The End of the World War VIII: Treaty of the Unnamed

There is no ‘way to peace’, there is only peace.

ZIPLINE, Help Force Capital – The war between the Vengeance Alliance and the Western Bloc is officially over as from this moment. After a month of waging war on the Bloc, battles at unusual times, and even more than one battle a day occasionally, both sides have agreed on ending the war and opting for peace.

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[EU] Invasion of Cream Soda

Greetings Helpers! Today was another great day as we logged onto CPRewritten – Ascent to invade Cream Soda, a server held by the Silver Empire. We marched with our fellow comrades from the Army of Club Penguin and the Red Ravagers and unleashed vengeance upon the Silvers by seizing another of their territory.
Congratulations to everyone on invading Cream Soda.

Thanks to our battle leaders Vedant, Nell, Joe and Wynn. Special shoutout to Zellybelly!

Max: 25+

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[INT] Invasion of Sled

Greetings Helpers! Today was an exceptional day as we logged onto CPRewritten – Ascent to invade Sled, a server held by the Silver Empire. Likewise with the Vengeance alliance created between the HF, ACP, and RR, together we were huge in numbers. Though the Silvers had a no-show, it’s evident that the Vengeance has spread its significance.
Congratulations to everyone on invading Sled.

Thanks to our battle leaders FatChicken88, Sidie9 from the ACP Hcom, and Joe as well as Vedant.

Max: 42+

Comment below if you attended the battle!

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on to defend our motherland from the invaders — Silver Empire. Listening to the electrifying hype of AC/DC, we brought the Wild West division to its helm by attaining an enormous size. All of us fought valiantly on the battlefield, outnumbering and overpowering the Silvers in each sector of the battle.
Congratulations to everyone on defending Ice Cream.

Thanks to our battle leaders — Vedant & Nell, assisted by Joe, Wynn and Jayden. Fear the Force.

Max: 38+

Comment below if you attended the battle!

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Silver Rush 2.0

We have waited patiently for months, biding our time and awaiting revenge—the time has come, comrades.

Help Force hereby officially resumes the Silver Rush War.

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for the last battle of the first phase of the Silver Rush war. We marched across the entire island in victory. Thank you Ayan and Jayden for leading! Great job today, Helpers. The score is now HF 7-0 SE

Max: 61+

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[US] Crushed Candies

Hey Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the 4th battle of the Silver Rush War. We had some great tactics and fast formations in all rooms lead by Ayan, Joe, and Wynn. Thank you all for attending! the score is now 40

MAX: 40+

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[US] Find ‘Em Out

Hi Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the 3rd battle of the Silver Rush War. We did some amazing tactics and formations lead by Ayan, Barnito, Nell, Joe, and Wynn. We firmly took home the victory and made the score 30 

MAX: 39+

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR once again to face Silver Empire in a battle! Sadly our opponents decided to continue running away from us so the Silver Rush War result is now 2-0 in our favor! We did great tactics in Inside Mine, Night Club and Stadium led by Jayden, Wynn and Barnito. Great job everyone, the victory belongs to us!

Max: 41+

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[AUSIA] Operation: Retribution

Hey Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the first battle of the Silver Rush War, we did some amazing tactics and formations lead by Nell across several different rooms, Silver Empire did not show up to this battle, so we took home the victory, the score is now 10

MAX: 47+

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