Hello Help Force! Today, we logged on to Club Penguin Journey to collect some stamps from all across the island. Thank you to Jo for leading through this fun segment. We even managed to attain some golden items during this hunt.

MAX: 16+

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Heyya folks, looks like everyone was down for some family time this Saturday! First, we all assembled on CPAB, and Commander Jo ensured that all 18 penguins did not cause too much mayhem. Then we raided BEASTO’s igloo for some warm time and a hilarious trivia game (an HF tradition). Thank you to Foxy and Enderlemon for recording this memorable event and leading our family with their amazing voices.

MAX: 18+

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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Hello Helpers! Last Saturday we logged on CPABattleground, Stadium for a Spongebob event. Thank you helpers for joining the event and thank you Jo for hosting the event. Until the next one! :DD

MAX: 16+

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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to my new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Last Sunday makes our revisiting to such an old tradition Help Force started for, and it’s our very first Stamp Segment on Club Penguin Journey! We first logged onto CPAB to gather the max then we logged onto CPJ to gather some activity stamps together!

MAX: 31+

Comment below if you attended!

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB for ice fishing event and caught some fishes! Thank you all for joining us special thanks to JO for leading!

MAX: 14+

Comment below if you attended!

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Jomany Rises

After the closure of the old Minecraft server, the Joman Empire has risen to power. The Joman Empire has established numerous colonies, paving the way to a truly great empire.

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Hello Helpers! Today we had a very interesting event where we captured all creatures on CPABattleground. Im not sure what Jo’s plans were, but this does look like something a future Commander would try to do to Help Force with all the animals we have. We dressed up as animals and did tactics and emotes around the island to show our love for them. Thank you to Jo and Yoda for leading this event, hope everyone enjoyed! 

Max: 16+ 


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Today, we dressed up as Monopoly Men to have a fun Monopoly event. We had fun making amazing formations, before being caught by surprise when we had to pay rent for landing in the plaza. After the event, we played a fun game of Monopoly. Comment below if you attended!

Max: 15+

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