Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for another marvelous event led by Rooboo, Wynn and Barnito! We practised a lot of fun tactics, formations and emotes. The rooms we used were the Stadium, Inside Mine, and Iceberg. Amazing job today, hope you guys had fun! Looking forward to seeing you lovely helpers at the next event!
Rainbow’s Catalog Guide – April 2021
Hey there Helpers! Once again, I’ve been summoned to write secrets for our April Catalog! Let’s discover more of them down below!
[INT] Lights! Camera! Action!
Hey Helpers! For today’s event, we logged on to CPRewritten with our Video Cameras on Ascent! Slushy, Rooboo, and Nelly led us around the Island making sure we got a chance to capture the whole island on tape! We did a bunch of tactics along with formations! Hope you all enjoyed today’s event, you guys did fantastic! Thanks for attending!
Max: 45+
CPA Today
Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today, a new addition to HF’s Web Family! CPA Today, brings you news from all across the CPA Community, with the latest ongoings in all the armies! For our first edition, we look back at the past 3 days for all of the armies!
HF Insight: The Rising Phoenix
Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- LYD’s GOTW Statement
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
HF Patrons Of Patreon: Wiggly
Welcome Back to Patrons of Patreon, the exclusive mini-series where I have the pleasure of interviewing our HF donators! Our Patreon donators generously donate their money to help with the running of the HF community and its projects!
Today I had the pleasure of interviewing my guest, Wiggly!
Faces of The Force – Javi
Hello dear readers! It’s Friday, great day to rest after whole week! Prepare something nice to sip and take a moment to read the new Faces of The Force edition! If you don’t know, in each post we interview one of the most active members of HF and ask them about both their army and personal life. Attend events, talk in the chat, be helpful and you have a chance to be invited as well! Now focus up and let us introduce you to this week’s Face, charming… Javi!
Gamers Knowledge –
What’s up fellow “Slitherins”? I’ve just stumbled upon a blog post while playing Make sure to read till the end for a cookie.