On Sunday, we logged on for a duck event. The ducks posed a great risk, almost as dangerous as the cats. Luckily, we managed to survive, and we got some great pictures of our journey. Comment below if you attended!

Max: 19+

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Help Force Daily: Food in the Mines

Eating Food isn’t something you can do every day in the Help Force mines, it’s true that some people smuggle some food every now and then, but they are always caught by the mighty Leaders and Officers. Let’s have a look on who gets fed the most in the Mines!

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Cats | Friend, Foe, or Food

Cats are innocent creatures that reside in our motherland. Or are they? Some people love cats as they keep you company. Some people hate cats as they eat your food. Some people eat cats as they are tasty. This raises the question. Are cats friends, foes, or food?

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