Recap of Legends Cup XIV – First Week

Greetings Helpers! It’s your Admiral Diwix here!

Recently, a lot has been happening! Legends Cup XIV has everyone hyped and excited. This has led to some changes and preparations in the server. Let’s dive into our recap!

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Double Trouble: Diwix and Vedant

Hello Helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favorite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week, we brought together the two buddies Diwix and Vedant!

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 3

This has been a fun week with the Minecraft server back up and running, and some more susness happening on Roblox. This wouldn’t be a week in Arcadium without some rigged Skribbl games as well, but at least this week wasn’t as rigged as last week.

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The Most Based Staff Member Retires

ZIPLINE, HF Capital – Sadness has dawned upon our glorious gracious motherland as the most based person of the staff team announced his retirement. Help Force Admiral Diwix stepped down from Staff rank on 10 September 2022 after more than a year of service as a Staff member.

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Spill The Tea – Diwix

Welcome to Spill The Tea! A column full of jokes, gossip, and entertainment! The eighth edition of this column, hosted by Delitager, brings Diwix to the spotlight.

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Beginner’s Guide to CPA Battleground

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – Hello fellow Help Force troops! CPA Battleground has recently been released. But what is it? How does it work? Well, this is a simple guide to CPA Battleground works and its cool features!

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[AUSIA] Operation: Caribbean Beans

Greetings Fam… Today the helpers logged onto CPRewritten – Zipline for the event wearing the apron and serving coffee for penguins all over the island.
The event led by Ru, Diwix, and Plotter was well-guided even for new helpers and everyone had loads of fun.
Everyone performed very amazingly as we charged from Town, Coffee Shop, Stadium to Iceberg.

Have a glance at it below and make sure to join us for future fun events! 💙

MAX: 31+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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Hola Comrades! We logged on today for a friendly battle with our awesome allies, the Ice Warriors! Brr, it was kind of cold but it was fun to finally have a joint event with our allies after such a long time. After some exquisitely hermosa formations and tactics, we spent the rest of the event playing Cart Surfer! Thank you to Rooboo, Snowy, Maya and Diwix for leading!

Make sure to comment your Discord username and rank if you attended!

MAX: 22

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PokéStaff: Pokédex Entry #1

PokéStaff is a series of posts that will revolve around the theme of the popular video game/ anime Pokémon. Have you ever wondered which Pokémon you are? Of course, everyone has. And some of us have even found the answer to that question. The next question level of that question would be, which pokemon are the Help Force staff members? I will be answering that very question in this post! Please keep in mind that I have assigned pokemon to the people depending on their nature and not the Pokémon’s power.

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