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Gamer of the Week [GoTW]

An award given by Help Force to the best Helper of the week. You can earn the award by:

  • Attending segments and fun events regularly throughout the week to gain sapphires.
  • Being kind to all members and Staff.
  • Gaining the most sapphires in the week on the leaderboard.

Here is the list of the Gamers of the Week over the history of Help Force!
[Only everyone who has won the award once has been listed below. Many members have won the award multiple times, but are not listed here.]

Pro Tip: Click on the GoTW names to see their GoTW posts!

  1. Geleto
  2. Kluck
  3. Morty
  4. Potatopuff
  5. Attacker
  6. Danilo
  7. Icycreamy / Kava
  8. Amber
  9. Bestpenguin
  10. Virtuuso
  11. Koko2111
  12. Rorange
  13. CrystalJenny
  14. PandaBelly
  15. Elpiojo
  16. Yellowxannie
  17. Messmess
  18. Skeletonlad
  19. Tremble
  20. Tatokik
  21. Aria
  22. Maurox
  23. MrMnM
  24. RexUchiha
  25. Destroyer
  26. Aoao
  27. Explicirion
  28. KattyTheCat
  29. Fxizaxx
  30. Sebasdou
  31. Snowmirror [Azalea]
  32. GodlyKendall
  33. Penelopea
  34. FutureShark
  35. Alexei
  36. Fancy
  37. Spotty
  38. Hstergirl
  39. Mintea
  40. Janez
  41. Monika
  42. Roxy
  43. Krebi
  44. Ken Kaneki
  45. Taylor
  46. Snowflake❄Soft
  47. Angel
  48. Riley
  49. Jc
  50. Wynn
  51. Chickn Strips
  52. Ru
  53. Stemv
  54. Pragya Tanu
  55. Foofee112
  56. Sods
  57. Planet
  58. Xtra
  59. Diwix
  60. Skyler
  61. Nafis
  62. Comedy
  63. Valour
  64. Sam Chilles
  65. Lisa
  66. Vixx
  67. Anushha
  68. Chlo3
  69. Hannah
  70. Marshmallow
  71. Mandal
  72. Walver
  73. Volcano
  74. Jeff Ha
  75. Lydia
  76. Rsnail de Novo
  77. SwagerGamer
  78. Syd
  79. AbsoluteTrash123
  80. Scorpion Demon
  81. Beasto
  82. Yoda
  83. Plotter12
  84. Archana
  85. Ivelkov
  86. NervousZippo
  87. Nightfury
  88. WetWater (Runa)
  89. Dhanush
  90. Zenishira
  91. Pantera
  92. Winter Storm
  93. beanieval20
  94. Elialom
  95. Raona
  96. Enderlemon
  97. Selene (LunaRay)
  98. Ronny83
  99. NIKO
  100. Vedant
  101. Wolfi_anme_Dolfi
  102. Duck
  103. JazXD
  104. F0xyy_P1ayzz
  105. Jakuba
  106. Danplays
  107. Lewa
  108. Katiee
  110. ShadowPlayzx
  111. grrrr
  112. SonicEvanx
  113. Devilisback

See the List of the GoTW Posts by clicking -> HERE