ZIPLINE – HF CAPITAL: Shortly after the M&M retirement, Help Force welcomed two new staff into its ranks as Generals. Choco and Zenishira, during today’s AUSIA training. Both new staff have worked hard during their tenures as juniors and have certainly earned their place as staff. Zen is often found deep in the mines as he recruits for the Motherland, while Choco can be seen attacking anyone who comes near him. I reached out to both Zen and Choco for comment on their promotion.
Army Spotlight: Water Vikings
Posted on September 18, 2022 by Lunaray21
ZIPLINE, Help Force Capital – Hey Helpers, welcome to a new series where we will take a look at the armies that have directly been a part of the Help Force’s history! In today’s post, we meet the Water Vikings, our newest allies. For more than 11 years, they’ve been one of the most important armies in the community, reaching #1 numerous times.

The penguin on the left is WV!