Greetings! Today we logged onto CPAB for a little event along with a battle with the Army of CP! Thank you to Wynn and Desireus for leading today!

MAX: 25+

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Hello everyone! Today we had a spectacular time battling Red Ravagers! We wore dark blue and our blue jerseys during this battle. A huge thank you to Scorp, Maya and NervousZippo for leading! Thank you to our allies, Red Ravagers and all the troops that attended for coming!

MAX: 27+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for a fun practice battle with our allies the PIC. Thank you Snowy, Diwix, and Phoenix for leading. Great job today Helpers!

MAX: 18+

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Howdy Helpers! Another week, another battle, another server invaded! 😀 Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten once again to battle Silver Empire. Outnumbering them, we successfully claimed the Winter Way server and made it part of our glorious Motherland! Thank you, Maya, Scorp, Diwix, Vedant for leading and thank you guys for attending! Thank you, brothers, ACP and RR for your support! We got our vengeance!
See you soon!

Max: 30+

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[EU] Invasion of Cream Soda

Greetings Helpers! Today was another great day as we logged onto CPRewritten – Ascent to invade Cream Soda, a server held by the Silver Empire. We marched with our fellow comrades from the Army of Club Penguin and the Red Ravagers and unleashed vengeance upon the Silvers by seizing another of their territory.
Congratulations to everyone on invading Cream Soda.

Thanks to our battle leaders Vedant, Nell, Joe and Wynn. Special shoutout to Zellybelly!

Max: 25+

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[INT] Invasion of Sled

Greetings Helpers! Today was an exceptional day as we logged onto CPRewritten – Ascent to invade Sled, a server held by the Silver Empire. Likewise with the Vengeance alliance created between the HF, ACP, and RR, together we were huge in numbers. Though the Silvers had a no-show, it’s evident that the Vengeance has spread its significance.
Congratulations to everyone on invading Sled.

Thanks to our battle leaders FatChicken88, Sidie9 from the ACP Hcom, and Joe as well as Vedant.

Max: 42+

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a friendly battle against our Brother Allies ACP in which we did some stunning tactics, forms, and speedy movements in the Stadium and Inside Mine, led by Maya and Rooboo. Followed by a fun round of Trivia, Hide n’ Seek and Skribbl to end the brawl.  Thank you all for attending and thanks to ACP for another great fight!

Max: 31+

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Hello, gals, gays, and theys! Wishing you all a Happy Pride Month. The entire army community logged onto Ascent to celebrate this important Pride Parade. With everyone doing joint tactics here and there, we had a lot of fun exploring around the map. Ayan, Nell, and Jayden led this parade as we did joint tactics with the Army of Club Penguin, Doritos, and then the entire community.

When everyone is treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.

MAX: 52+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Ascent and did amazing tactics at Town and Snowforts followed by a huge igloo raid hosted by Barnito and Ayan resulting in many people getting the Party Host and Igloo Party stamps.
Thank you all for attending!


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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CP Rewritten on Server – Abominable for a fun and exciting battle against our allies, Red Ravagers lead by Ayan, Barney and Jayden. It was one packed with tactics coupled with formations done with speed. Overall the helpers had fun participating in a nice, fun and eye-catching battle against them. Thank you all for attending and until more big events and battles where we together once again show the strength of the Help Force Family!

MAX: 33+

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