Get To Know Your Staff – Archana

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we can know more about them! This week I interviewed the lovely and the wonderful Archana. She’s one of the Generals of the Help Force and has been here for quite a while! So, what are we waiting for? Let us all welcome her!

Hey, there Archana <3 ! How are you doing today?

I am doing very great, it’s a rainy night..aside from my 3 quizzes pending tomorrow yeah…I’m doomed

Aww, it’s fine. You’re going to ace it. 3 Can you start by telling us when you joined the Help Force? And how?

ngl I forgot what exact month I joined hf.. but its 2021 and someone.. SOMEONE recruited me but I’m not sure who….but thanks to Beasto for doing blitz on me when I first joined

Oh wow that’s nice… So do you have any favorite moments in HF?

favorite moments.. probably the times when I was in the new troop and the fire & water team is still a thing you know? everything was fun and exciting for me back then considering I don’t know what was going on .. I have a memory size of a goldfish so that’s all what i remember

Omg yeahh I remember the Team Divisions we had..Who do you consider your closest friends in the Community?

its going to be plotter hes been a good friend of mine since i joined help force and ive had bunch of good memories with him, i cherish that guy the most

Oh that’s nice… Has there been any theme week so far which you consider as a favorite?

oh yeahh AUSIA unleashed!! it was fun and very active times i do enjoy that era.. AUSIA power ftw bro. We should bring it back plsplspls

Yeah that was amazing! So if you had the chance to change something in HF what would it be?

Sounds Interesting! Alright now besides HF do you have any hobbies or interests?
I do love buying books and reading them in just a week since im too bored everyday :plead: besides that i also play badminton on my free time at school or prolly just play online games..but most of my time i sleep
Haha thats nicee. So what is your dream job? And why?
this question is funny for me cause ive liked bunch of stuff back then.. Back then i want to become a doctor but im scared of blood, then lawyer, but now i want to be a flight attendant cause travelling the world has been my dream since i was a kid.. follow ur dreams!!
Haha yeah and we are sure you will get it! Now if you had 2 tickets to go to your favorite sports match/concert who would you take there with you?
oh damn.. I dont like sports so we’re skipping that. For concert, i would surely take my bestie with me plotter cause hes my music buddy! We have similar taste and bringing him to a concert would be a fun memory
Oo amazing!! Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
dead jk uh 5 years huh?.. well i probably just finished college that time and will immediately look for a fitting job or just go to my dream job.. have a stable life and a BOYFRIEND please. jk.. and uh maybe im still here in HF but as a commander
Lastly is there anything you want to say to our amazing readers?
bello wonderful HF people! welcome to my life ig, hope u find that fun and interesting to read and yes.. feel free to dm me cause i dont bite.. im a very kind person stream the new minion movie btw

Thank you Archana!

That’s it for today folks! I hope you enjoyed reading today’s blog! Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed reading or BEASTO will send y’all to the mines!! Now I’m gonna go and annoy someone else… Until then take care! Signing out for now, I’ll see you guys next week hopefully back reviving an old blog >:)!

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