Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Happy Valentines Day 2024

Helloooo! Earlier today We posted a google form for people to submit a message to their loved ones! Let’s start the show!

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Song of the Week #16

Hello and welcome to another Song of the Week! Archana is here to give you a wonderful game song by our lovely general, SonicEvanx! Bringing us his amazing song from one of his favorite games!

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GoTW #256

Congratulations Fraser (Tblue) on winning his Second Gamer of the Week! Salute comrade, keep it up and one more for Specialist!!! :DDD

CP Journey Guide: Cake Scavenger Hunt

Hello and welcome everyone! Today I will be showing you how to complete the Cake Scavenger Hunt for the CPJ 1st Anniversary! Enjoy the show! :DDD

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Hello Helpers, today we logged on CPAB and fought our brother allies, the Army of Club Penguin as part of the first phase of the February Training Camp. Thanks to everyone who attended the event and kudos to Zenishira and Beasto for leading the event!

Max: 19+

Comment below if you attended!

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Roxy Cheats on Mocha

Roxy has betrayed her long-term wife, deciding to marry Jo. To make matters worse, Choco was a possible candidate, and she blatantly rejected him. This is the story of how Roxy cheated on Mocha.

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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPABattleground, Stadium for a great Army Training Event! Thanks to Evan, Geolonut, and BEASTO for leading us, and thank you for the helper who joined the event. Until the next one! <3

MAX: 22+

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this weeks recipe, I decided to interview another very popular dynasty member in our server, HF Dynasty: Komal! 

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