Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground, dressed up as our favorite Simpsons characters.
Max: 26+
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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground, dressed up as our favorite Simpsons characters.
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Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB, Stadium for our mission to become a Major Army again! We started off by making our first event as an operation for that mission! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB to have a Practice Battle against our allies Elite Guardians of Club Penguin! Thank you for joining us in this 20m battle and see you next time! A special thanks to our leaders: ROOBOO, Beasto, and Zenishira!
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This has been a fun week with the Minecraft server back up and running, and some more susness happening on Roblox. This wouldn’t be a week in Arcadium without some rigged Skribbl games as well, but at least this week wasn’t as rigged as last week.
What is up, brothers and sisters, Zenishira here.
Today, I’ve decided to Interview some fresh new recruits, those being N0tGabe and Princessleia. They enthusiastically joined Help Force the moment I asked them to be part of our family. I taught them about who we are, what is our history, what made Help Force the AUSIA staple that it is. Anyways, let the interview begin!
ZIPLINE, Help Force Headquarters- In an online community like ours, names are quite an important aspect of anyone’s profile. They are the first impression of an individual. Help Force staff members are the representatives of the army, and the impression they make is extremely important. In this edition of this post, we will be delving into the story behind the name of one of our former Generals, NightFury.
Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them.
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground, grabbed an umbrella and prepared for rain.
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