Hello everybody! Today we are interviewing one of the great and well-known Dynasty in the Help Force. She is also known for being a former Commander in the community. Everyone welcome today’s lovely guest, Snowy!
Snowy joined the Help Force in 2018, she has become active and was recognized by others in the community. She ranked up through both troop and staff ranks until she became a commander. Snowy is definitely considered one of the Icons in the community, as she has also earned the HF icon role right after her retirement, and even though she retired, she still tries to help the community in her own way, an example would be her dedication to the Help Force Website as the Head Blogger!
Hey Snowy, how are you doing today?
I’m doing good, thanks for asking!
Can you firstly tell us when did you join the Help Force? and how?
I first joined HF around August 2018. I was recruited off of CPO by a guy named Virtuuso, who is possibly HF’s greatest troll.
Why do you think he was the greatest troll in HF?
I don’t remember all the details but I think he once made 100+ alts to recruit for GOTW. He’s been banned every single time he’s let back into the server and I think his main goal when he’s in HF is to cause chaos.
How did you get the Dynasty role?
I’m not sure tbh. I remember in 2019 when Dynasty became a role but only a handful of vets had it. I think I got it sometime in 2020 when I wasn’t around yet.
Did you feel special when you realized you are a dynasty back then?
I don’t remember but I think I would have! lol.
Who do you consider your closest friends in the Help Force?
It’s hard to pick just one
My closest friends are Maya, Manti, Diwix, Wynn, and Edgy
I got a very important question to ask you, are you a Machine? (Because you are a fast reader and writer)
I am not a machine lol I’ve just been reading and writing for a long time.
What is your favorite moment in the Help Force?
It’s hard to pick a single moment but I think the MM finals last year, we had a great performance and I’m proud that we made it to the finals.
What hobbies do you have?
I like reading, writing, and playing with my cats.
What have you been reading about lately?
I recently finished Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, I think I’m going to read something by Stephen King next.
Let’s say you had the chance to forget a story you read before in order to re-read it again and relive the suspense of that story, what story would that be? and why?
I think I would pick To Kill a Mockingbird, it’s one of my favorite books and the story was really captivating.
Lastly would you like to say anything to your Dynasty Comrades in HF?
Yes, make sure to attend this year’s MM if you can and remember to send the boomer emote.
Thats it for today lovely folks! Make sure to like and comment below if you enjoyed reading the post. till next time 😀
Filed under: Dynasty House, Help Force CP, Web Series Tagged: | Columns, Snowy, Snowy HF, The Dynasty House, Web Series
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