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ACP Commits War Crimes in Hot Chocolate

The residents of Hot Chocolate cower in fear as the green army rampages through their peaceful town. The casualties of this unjust and cruel invasion exceed 1 million chocolate bars. To make matters worse, this is not the first time that ACP has terrorized an innocent town. No amount of destruction will satisfy these green Terrors.

Hot Chocolate originally belonged to the Help Force before the map was reset. Due to war and Elp’s chaos, the Help Force was unable to take back their rightfully owned land. The green army saw this weakness and took advantage of it, invading Hot Chocolate. To add to the list of ACP’s wrongdoings, they bribed Nell, an ex-Commander, into giving ACP the land.

Nell had been locked up and tortured in Calgo’s snake jail, not being released until she gave ACP the land. To go as far as to torture a judge, the green army should not be trusted. The staff of the green army will deny this and say that Jo was the one threatening Nell, but we all know the truth.

Once ACP had Hot Chocolate in their grubby hands, they started rampaging, recklessly driving their murder bus through the streets. In total, 300k chocolate bars were killed, with 700k injured. No one could stop these green maniacs. When Jo, everybody’s 2nd favourite Admiral, protested the destruction, ACP felt no remorse, even threatening to eat him.

The Psychopaths running ACP do not regret their invasion and destruction of Hot Chocolate in the slightest. They couldn’t care less if everyone in the town was eaten. In response to this cruelty, the people of Hot Chocolate have declared a state of emergency. We will not allow these ugly green boogers to trample over our innocent town. ACP claims that the citizens of Hot Chocolate are revolting. You know what? We are revolting!

It is time for REVOLUTION!

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