Welcome to Spill The Tea! A column full of jokes, gossip and entertainment! The twelfth edition of this column, hosted by Delitager, brings Nell to the spotlight!
Welcome to another awesome interview! This week’s post will be real hot because, we are interviewing the Queen of the Flames, Nell! Or Nepal like I’d say 😀 He- I mean, she.. yes I forgot she has fucking boobs, sorry. Anyway, she is an ex commander of the Help Force and has many things in store that she has to share with you! Nell has been behind many takeovers, chaos and many more things. So, I’ve got her up so we can know all the tea we can get! Read along to know more about Nepal! (No, not the country)
Hello Nepal, how are you?
Hi hi. I’m alright, thank you, what about you
I’m okay so, what is the story behind you joining Help Force?
Oh my that was such a long time ago 😆It was during the pandemic when everyone was bored out of their minds. One evening, I was just looking for games online to play to pass the time and that’s how I remembered about club penguin and that I used to play it when I was younger. I had no idea it shut down but club penguin online was still a thing so I joined that (terrible mistake) I started looking more into it and I saw so many complaints from people that it made me not want to access it again (and thank god i didnt) One thing led to another and I found CPRewritten and Help Force was having a recruiting segment lmao. At that point in time, they were just running around screaming ‘HEY JOIN HELPFORCE FOR STAMPS’ And ofc I joined because I was curious Boom boom bang, now I am part of Help Force
I wish it was that easy today. What are a few of your favourite memories here?
Ok this is extremely difficult. There are so so many beautiful memories and I have saved so many of them through screenshots. But I have so many of those too that I had to put them all on a flash drive 😆
Ok ok, so I can tell you about a few that i will never forget, like the moment I got moderator, the time Ayan and Elp and everyone in the server found out I was a girl and not a boy 😭, the chonky boy takeover, my birthday event, the moments when I used to pretend I would burn down the chat and Moon, who was the a leader back then, used to spray water on me. Also I could never forget the all-nighters when me and Vedant used to prepare for battles and the time we won against the Ice Warriors during the LCXI semis
Omg so many, Can you tell us more about the chonky boi takeover and your hamster, Finn?
😆 He’s a sassy cotton ball. I got him a year ago and I’ve been sharing photos of him in Help Force. But, one time, I captured him sleeping in this weird position and Ayan added a pair of glasses to the photo and badabim badabum this emote was born
. The people changed their pfps and everything it was so fun oh my god
Sounds like fun woop well do you have any memories with me? 😀
Omg Deli of course I do 😂 you had this penguin named Kiiee and honestly I kept forgetting it was you and I thought it was ally 😭 Also the time when I made you, swager and choco my house elves 😈 or when you joined me for the burn takeover
hehe also i could never forget when we had that find four tournament and Jackie kept calling you Tea
Kiiee wasn’t me you fool, that was Archana
thats it, this is the proof that I was a terrible leader.
LOL I’m dying anyway, what is your favourite chaos takeover from your leadership? Did HF ever recover from it?
The chonky and the burn takeover because yes, fire
i love fire. One time, Elp put flames in all channel names and it was lovely
Help Force will always be Hell Force, there’s no way back. There’s too much chaos every day
OO reminds me, how did you earn the title ‘Flaming Queen’?
Once you reach the Icon title on the Hall of Fame, you get something similar to a title, something you’re known for. ‘Flaming’ because of my pyromaniac personality and Queen because, oh well, I’m a queen 👑
Oo cool, what is your proudest moment from your leadership?
It wasn’t just one moment. There were lots and lots of moments when I could see so many army members together having fun
When I started leading more battles and I started leading in VC, I was extremely nervous, and I still am but, during the LCXI, after we won against the Ice Warriors, and I saw all the people cheering and listening to us in VC, I can’t even describe how happy I was because I was able to be part of that great event. Same thing for the Flashed Helper event and our retirement event.
Every day I still see the results of what the others and I have built in the past 1-2 years and I am still very proud of Help Force for being such a great family
Wo about the retirement event, how did you feel when you retired? Have you ever wished to lead hf again?
This might sound stupid but it was one of the most difficult decisions I had to take. Yes, at one point you have to focus on your real life and your career, but Help Force has been my family for over 2 years now. It became such a big part of me and I wasn’t fully ready to retire so it was a rough time. Even if I left the server for a few months, I never stopped talking to my friends and the people from HF. I would come back in a heartbeat if I was asked to help with anything. My goal has always been to create a place where everyone feels comfortable and can connect with others, where people can see that they aren’t alone and can have fun and relax
What were the challenges you faced as a Commander?
The responsibilities. As a Commander, you take the responsibility for everything that happens, wins, losses, dramas, bans, army image, event maxes, schedule, website etc etc so many things. So one of the biggest challenges was to keep a track of all of that. Thankfully I was not alone. Also I’m a pretty shy person so I was always a little scared to talk, to write announcements or other things, so I was always like a helper from behind the curtains. Again, another challenge was the server safety. We were always really careful about that and made it one of our topmost priorities
What was your favourite thing about being a Commander?
The ability to take important decisions and the opportunity to debate different stuff with all the Staff members. Also one of the best things was to see everyone grow, to see people getting higher ranks, being able to teach them certain things and then having the honour of promoting them. It was wonderful. Also the permissions
Amazing, what was your least favourite thing as commander?
Having to solve feuds between members or staff members. You have to do it but it’s exhausting
Rip, who would you say are the people who inspired you the most?
LMFAO I was asked this question in another interview when I became Commander. And I forgot to mention Ayan. He has been rubbing it into my face since then lmao
From the CP community, Ayan, Moon, Hannah and Vedant. From real life, my mom
lmao, Do you have any tips for the people trying to get staff?
Yeah. Don’t aim for a staff position just for the title, the high position or the perms. You’ll see that being a Staff member means much more than that. And, of course, don’t give up. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Take the advice given by superiors or veterans, and keep working your way up if that’s what you want
Also, you better save some food in your pantry because once you are a staff member, you’re not getting any 😆
And have fun. Damn, don’t forget to have fun
Lovely, Do you know what is my favourite flower?
Your favourite flower? Smh, no idea, what’s your favourite flower?
Good question, I don’t know myself anyway I’ve heard you are a medical student, can you give us some tips on management based on how you managed such a stressful career and CPA side by side?
Yes of course, I will give the best tip that there is.
Just don’t go to med school, dedicate your life to the motherland.But honestly, it’s really difficult. Make sure you have a support system. And by that, I mean having people you can turn to and people who you trust. Like your family or close ones.
Why do you like broccoli so much? And what’s your least favourite food?
I’ve been asked that so many times. Ma’am I have no idea. It looks like a little tree and it’s green and cute how can you not like it?! And it’s delicious, full of vitamins and antioxidants I love it. my least favourite food is the staff cookies from HF. Too plain and dry. anchovy too, hate it.
What is your favourite place/city/tourist spot to visit when on vacation?
Nisa, France. My favourite one so far. But I’d very much like to see Greece, London and Bali
Oo my Ausia fellows were going to plan on breaking into chimoop’s house, you can join us 😀 she’s on vacation in Bali rn!
A BREAK IN? I’m all for it
Amazing anyway, What is your favourite book?
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. I’m obsessed with police and crime solving novels.
Which bands/artists do you absolutely stan?
I absolutely love Queen. And Maroon 5, Adele, Aretha Franklin, Frank Sinatra. There are too many. I was also a very very big fan of One Direction
What are your short term and long term goals in life?
Short term, I really really want to pass all of exams right now with flying colours, be accepted into an internship with one of my professors and get another scholarship. About long term goals, no idea. I have a few projects going on at my farm so I guess that. I also would love to just stick more to my schedule but I can’t seem to do it 😩 also I might try to get GoTW in hf
Oo good luck we can end now, do you have anything to say to the readers
Enjoy your time in CPA, guys, but please go touch some grass from time to time
In Nepal, best grass
The Flaming Queen sure made this interview real hot 🔥 I hope we survive the heat. We hope you enjoyed, come back next time for some more tea!
Help Force General
Filed under: Help Force CP Tagged: | Delitager, Help Force, HF, Nell, Spill The Tea