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Double Trouble

Hiya helpers! Welcome to the new column Double Trouble, a series where Dhanush and I interview the besties of Help Force! Today we will interview Ru and Amy, find out how they got to know each other, and also how well they know each other!

To start things off, let’s learn a bit more about them and their friendship!

Dhanush: Welcome to the first blog of the “Double Trouble” Amy and Ru!

Ru: Hey Dhanush! 🙂 And Pingu!!

Amy: Thank you Dhanush 😀

Dhanush: So how do you both feel being here together?

Amy: Feels good since I’m doing this with y’all and along with RU

Ru: Well, feels normal like just another evening? Haha.. This is usual time we talk to each other! :’)

Dhanush: Ooh, So how about you tell us how did you both first met each other?

Ru: Oooo, Amy xD Wanna have a crack at it?

Amy: Lol.

Ru: I will get the screenshot of that till then.

Amy: It’s a long story but she approached me cuz she was a general and she wanted to help me out. And the rest is history lol. Couldn’t thank for a better person to be my best friend here at discord <3

Ru: this is how it started.. Sam found her on cpr and she was already part of HF but did not understand things. So, I dmed her.. I explained her discord in the first place from messages to what channels are. Then the army. But I think the break will be when she asked.. “So you into any celebrities?” And there was just spamming of boy gifs for no reason (Sorry we can’t disclose that xD )

Amy: We have had so many memories like vibing to music and watching movies on Netflix and having long calls gossiping about HF jk lol xD but yeah we would share our juicy stuffs that happen irl.

Ru: Ooohh yeahh.. We started being close from that moment and haven’t broken off since! I don’t care if she retired.. I will spam ping her irrespective of what she is doing and talk to her. She does the same lol.

Amy: Awh yes 🙂 <3

Dhanush: Ooh woahh, that sounds super fun haha. Well now what’s the best thing u like about each other?

Amy: She’s my number one support system and she doesn’t judge me at any point and I know she’s gonna be there for me regardless of the situation

Ru: Oh boy, this is going to take a while! I like her overall personality and we are just complementary to each other. Always there to pick each other up in better and worse situations. We have a lot in common.

Dhanush: Ahhh that’s a true friendship bond <3

Ru: Awww, how sweet of you.

Dhanush: So many people think you both have the same voice so u guys wanna tell anything about it?


Ru: WE DON’T. Do not believe them! We have different accents and if you talk to us on a daily basis… You might see the difference haha. But yes, there was a time when I had to go pee during an event and I told Amy to VC lead.. Nobody realized it was her talking lmao

Dhanush: Oh xD, Well even I sometimes think you both have the same voice when u vc lead together.. So before we end do you guys wanna say something to the readers?

Amy: Not really I kinda suck at this but I hope everyone’s safe and just a reminder that HF is truly an amazing server and that’s why I met so many great people like y’all 😀 Thank you Dhanush and Pingu for featuring us <3

Ru: Sure why not! Guys, you never know where you will find a best friend around. So whenever you do? Cherish those times even if you find them online or in Help Force lol. Be there for each other and be kind 🙂 It is not just me and Amy, but we all friends together (We call ourselves “The Stinkies”) and all the staff and helpers. We have a real amazing time and I can not be more glad that we have a place which is more than just an army! <3

Dhanush: Thank you very much for your time Ru and Amy!

Ru: Thank you Dhanush and Pingu for having us.. I am glad you had us for your first time interviews of this new blog! 

Now that we know a bit more about them, it’s time for a friendship test to discover how good friends they actually are 😀 At the end, they will receive a score depending on how well they did!

PinguMaliz: So first off, if you could time travel, where would you go? Past or future?

Ru: I will like to see the future!

PinguMaliz: Cool! I’d go with the same 😀 So next question, where would you rather spend a day? Beach or city?

Ru: Omg.. Beach. Definitely that one.

PinguMaliz: Ooh okay, so now there will be three alternatives. What do you prefer? Books, movies, or series?

Ru: I-. Wow tough choice. Okay nowadays I have been watching movies and series more than reading books. Okay.. Go with.. movies

PinguMaliz: Okay perfect, what is/was your favourite subject in school? And no alternatives just answer whatever you want.

Ru: Physics. No wait maths. In school it was maths. In secondary school it was physics 😀

PinguMaliz: Ay I got the same :DD Now, time for four alternatives! What would you rather work as? Teacher, architect, nurse, or cook?

Ru: Architect.

PinguMaliz: Oo nice, now for the last one, what sibling are you? Oldest, youngest, middle, or only child?

Ru: Can I say Elder? xD. Oldest makes me feel like a boomer :'(

PinguMaliz: LOL alr, thanks for answering! Now we’ll have the same questions but you answer with what you think Amy will answer. 

BUT before we get to that part, let’s check out what Amy had to say!

PinguMaliz: So, first question! If you could time travel, where would you go? Past or future?

Amy: Definitely future, cuz I would wanna know how well I’m doing and I’m very curious how it all turns out 😀

PinguMaliz: Yeah I’d do the same 😀 Now, where would you rather spend a day? Beach/city

Amy: Definitely the beach. Tropical is my jam.

PinguMaliz: Interesting! What is/was your favourite subject in school? No alternatives this time. 

Amy: Ahhh well I would say biology because I was good at it and my teacher was like literally the best ever. He was also my mentor who guided me through various parts of my life so the subject is also very dear to my heart 🙂 

PinguMaliz: Aww that’s sweet <3 What do you prefer? Books, movies, or series?

Amy: I prefer all of them xD but if I had to choose one it would definitely be books, it always lets us imagine the story and its scenery on our own and who doesn’t like to fantasize?

PinguMaliz: Oh wow I definitely do not agree with you on that one, reading is awful :/ I wished I enjoyed it though D: Anyways, what would you rather work as? Teacher, architect, nurse, or cook?

Amy: Definitely architect, I suck at the rest xD

PinguMaliz: Hahah same here. Last question about you now, what sibling are you? Oldest, youngest, middle, or only child?

Amy: Ahh I’m the only child 😀

Now it’s time for the second part of the second part, let’s see what answers Ru thought Amy gave!

PinguMaliz: So, if Amy could time travel, where would she go? Past or future?

Ru: Future. Correct answer: future

PinguMaliz: Mhm, and where would she rather spend a day? Beach or city?

Ru: She literally goes to beach whenever she can, so beach. Correct answer: beach

PinguMaliz: Ah hahah okay, what is/was her favourite subject in school? Maths, history, or biology?

Ru: Maths 🙂 Correct answer: biology

PinguMaliz: Okay, so what do you think Amy’d prefer? Books, movies, or series?

Ru: Books. Correct answer: books

PinguMaliz: Alr, and what would she rather work as? Teacher, architect, nurse, or cook?

Ru: Architect. Correct answer: architect

PinguMaliz: And last one! What sibling is she? Oldest, youngest, middle, or only child?

Ru: Only child. Correct answer: only child

PinguMaliz: And that’s it! Thank you for your time <3

Ru: It was brilliant Pingu.. Thank you <3

And now for the last interview section, we’ll take a look at what Amy said Ru would answer!

PinguMaliz: So, if Ru could time travel, where would she go? Past of future?

Amy: I’m pretty sure she would check out the past. Go look at the ancient and historic moments. Correct answer: future

PinguMaliz: Oo okay! And where would she rather spend a day? Beach or city?

Amy: Definitely beach 😀 Correct answer: beach

PinguMaliz: Alright, what is/was her favourite subject in school? Maths, physics, or history?

Amy: Oh god I hope it’s maths she loves it and she’s also very good at it. Correct answer: maths

PinguMaliz: Hahah well I know if you’re correct or not 😀 Next, what does she prefer? Books, movies, or series?

Amy: BOOKS. I know it’s books 🙂  Correct answer: movies

PInguMaliz: Hahah alr, now what would she rather work as? Teacher, architect, nurse, or cook?

Amy: Teacher. She’s good at it and she knows. Correct answer: architect

PinguMaliz: Interesting 😀 Now lastly, what sibling is she? Oldest, youngest, middle, or only child?

Amy: Okay this is the only question I’m like 101 % sure lol she’s the oldest sister <3 Correct answer: oldest it’s actually elder, but I’ll give it to you

PinguMaliz: Hahah yeah that is an easy one, so thank you so much for your time <3 Have a great day/night <3

Amy: Thanks for taking the time to interview us <3

Now that we’ve almost reached the end, it’s time for the scoring! It is measured in % of correct answers. Ru and Amy got… 67 %!! And with that being said, it’s time to wrap up this week’s edition of Double Trouble. We will be back the next week with more exciting interviews! Hope you enjoyed the post! Until we hunt for another pair of besties, singing off for now!

2 Responses

  1. This was such a great and ingenious interview xD

  2. Great post!

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