GoTW #116

After succeeding to claim the Gamer of the Week award three times, Vixx has finally earned her role as GoTW Specialist! She proved herself to be loyal, reliable, tenacious, an amazing friend and a splendid Helper. We believe that Vixx is a true pillar of our community and her journey is still at the beginning!


Gamers Knowledge –

Chances are, you’re good at drawing and vocabulary. If you would like to show off both of these amazing skills to the Help Force, make sure to read until the end.

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Know Your Leaders – Nelly825

Hey Helpers, welcome back to another edition of Know Your Leaders, with your magnificent host, The Great Stinky! Today, we’re going to interview, the wonderful and amazing 20th Leader of Help Force, Nelly! Or more commonly known as Nelly825. 

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Keeping Up With CPRewritten – February 2021


Hey there helpers and welcome to a brand new series on the HF Site, Keeping Up With CPR! This series is brought to help you find out what’s going on in CPR so you are all up to date!

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[AUSIA] Operation: Find Four

Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for this fun event! We did lots of great tactics and formations led by Jayden, Skillz and Slush at the Snow Forts and the Ski Lodge. We also had a great time playing a Find Four tournament! Thank you all for attending! Great job today, helpers!

Max: 29+

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Rainbows Catalog Guide – February 2021

A very good day, Helpers! February 2021 Catalog has just been released and I’ve been summoned to do a guide for all of you! Let’s see the secrets behind these clothes!

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[INT] Divisions Inaugural Event

Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for this fun event! We did lots of great tactics and formations lead by Barnito. Thank you all for attending! Great job today, helpers!

MAX 38+

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The HF Beacon

ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting branch battle between teams Water and Fire, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

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Updated HF Uniform: August 2021

Hey Helpers! 

As you all know, CPRewritten is now our primary CPPS and all possible events will be held on this particular game. Knowing the Advanced Uniform cannot be obtained because of CPR’s catalogues being different and unavailable as well.

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[INT] Operation: Blue Fever

Greetings everybody! Today we logged onto the CPR for an operation led by Nell, ROOBOO, Wynn and Barnito. We were practicing various tactics at Iceberg, Studium and Docks. The event went amazing! Thank you everyone for being there with us!

MAX: 42+

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