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The Sapphire System

Good day to everyone!

Hope you are doing well and happy to know that 2021 has begun in good spirits!

The Help Force discord server was revamped along with many Army Ranks/Roles, channels being removed as well. Along with that, the Promotion System was also removed and another system is in the process of implementation.

Why was this necessary?
The Revamp prior to this had seen a good number of Army Ranks being added along with the 3 tiers that everyone had to pass in order to rank up. In this method, the members had to get promoted 58 times to reach the Top Tier for the Troops (previously Major). With this new update, one has to just get promoted 18 times to reach the Top Tier for Troops (now Colonel).

Now the old Promotion Ranks said good-bye and paved the way for the newer set of Ranks. The Commander’s Watch and Rookie are not promotional roles, they are added benefits.

The ranks now are divided into different Tiers.

Base Rank: Helpers

Tier 0: Trainee (Rank earned after attending an Event or a Segment)

Tier 1: The Enlisted Ranks (500 :HFSapphire:)
Supreme Helper
Elite Helper
Professional Helper
Amateur Helper 

Tier 2: The Army Ranks (700 :HFSapphire:)
Commando Brigade
Sergeant Major

Novice Corporal

Tier 3: The Elite Ranks (900 :HFSapphire:) They earn a base role called “Commander’s Watch”
Lieutenant Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Blue Berets

The main thing to remember is not to compare your old ranks to the new ones, it’s a completely different system.

As you can see, we now have removed:

  • Roles you get after earning a fixed number of points
  • Roles you get after attending a set number of segments

The Sapphire System was introduced to keep every possible activity rewards under one shed.

Keeping in mind the different tiers, here’s how the Sapphires are used!

Now that normal promotions and points are removed, members earn Sapphires :HFSapphire: for participating in every activity that is hosted in Help Force. From participating in events, segments, tournaments, daily contests, recruiting, general behaviour and so much more. This means that, members will now get promoted if they reach a set number of Sapphires.

HF Sapphire

Sapphire Rewards

As of now, these are the rewards that are distributed with respect to the type of activity:

  • Rogue Events: 150 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Army Trainings/Operations: 200 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Mega Events/Battles: Guarenteed Promotions
  • Full Segment Attendance: 30 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Half Segment Attendance: 15 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Recruit: 20 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
    Note that you will earn Sapphires for recruiting during segments/outside segments.
  • Fun Events, Tournaments: 30 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Daily Contests: 15 Sapphires :HFSapphire:
  • Skibbl: 5 Sapphires :HFSapphire:

Sapphire Promotion System

You might have noticed a fixed number of sapphires next to the Tier.

Tier 1 consists of 5 ranks from Amateur Helper to Specialist. Now for each role Promotion, in the previous system, you had to just attend an event that reached the Max Goal. But now, you will have to get 500 Sapphires to get promoted to the next rank in the same tier. To complete this tier, you will have to earn 2500 Sapphires.

Tier 2 consists of 5 ranks from Novice Corporal to Commando Brigade. You have to earn 700 Sapphires to get promoted to the next rank in the same tier. To complete this tier, you will have to earn 3500 Sapphires.

Tier 3 consists of 7 ranks from Blue Berets to Colonel. You will have to earn 6300 Sapphires to complete this tier.

When you reach the fixed number for Promotions, ping a Staff member so that the sapphires will be subtracted from your account.

Gamer of The Week System

Previously, it mainly was points from Segments, Recruits, Events, etc. Now, with the new approach, there will be 2 leaderboards.

  • One which displays the total amount of sapphires you have receieved in a week. This resets every week and the #1 on this leaderboard will earn the GoTW role. This is similar to the previous points system
  • Another one which displays the balance amount of sapphires remaining in your account. It is from the time you earned since joining HF.

Hope you’ve understood about the new system now.

There will definitely be more stuff which will be implemented, so stay tuned for that!

Keep Unleashing The Power Of Helping!

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