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Help Force Insight: Making history [21/12-27/12]

Help Force Insight: Making History

What’s poppin helpers? Wecome back to this week’s edition of Help Force Insight, where we go over everything that happened this week! (Monday-Sunday)

Table of contents

  • What’s happening
  • Army Statistics
  • Week in Short
  • GoTW Interview

What’s happening

The pinnacle of this week was the [EU] The Flash Showdown!! This event celebrated the end of the year and the sad end of flash player. This event was unbelievable, maxing an incredible 121 Helpers online, it was lead by the previous leaders of Help Force, Vedant, Tistle, Elp, Ayan, and Spotty!


This event made history by breaking our previous record max of 88 by 33 helpers!! Incredible work helpers, keep unleashing the power of helping. After this event, Elp was awarded the long deserved title of Legends in the HF Hall Of Fame!!

Army Statistics

This was an incredible week for HF!! Maintaining the rank of 4rth on the Top Ten Armies [12/20-20/20] with 78.15 points!!! Thanks to CPAH for that statisitc!!!

In addition to this, we saw an incredible 482 Members join the server!! Outstadning work recruiters, we appreciate all of you. Also, welcome to all you new recruits, we are so glad to have you here!!
Having only one massive event this week, the average maxes for this week were skipped.

Week in Short

Monday (December 21)

Today we celebrated the holiday season with the [EU] CAROLING AT YOUR IGGY event. This event was lead by Vedant and maxed 40+ Helpers. This event also saw ACP join us for a fun time of carolling and raiding igloos!!

Tuesday (December 22)

In preparation for the Flash Showdown no event was hosted today. We hope you all were ready and hyped for the Flash Event though!!!

Wednesday (December 23)

Today was a hard crunch day, with many segments being hosted thoughout the day but no fun events. Thanks to all the helpers who helped Recruit!!!

Thursday (December 24)

Happy Holidays Helpers!!!! Today was a very relaxed day because many people were busy spending time with family, friends, and more, celebrating the holiday season!!

Friday (December 25)

We hope you all enjoyed today and had fun celebrating this holiday season!!

Saturday (December 26)

Today was another crunch day in preparation for the massive event tommorow!! Segments were hosted throughout the day that helped strengthen the server!

Sunday (December 27)

Today was the long awaited day, the day of the [EU] The Flash Showdown Help Force absolutely smashed this event with an incredible max of 121!!! The highest max we have ever seen!!! It was lead by Vedant, Tistle, Elp, Spotty, and Ayan.

GoTW Interview

After an intense and very close week, chlo3#7705 won the title GoTW and the many rewards that come with winning GoTW!! Congratulations again to chlo3!!

Hii Chloe!!! It’s an honor to finally being able to interview you after winning GoTW. How does it feel to finally have accomplished it and won Gamer of The Week?

Hii chickn:please: it feels soo good to finally achieve GoTW and after such a long and competitive week

YES!! I could tell you put a lot of work to achieve it this week. It was very competitive but congrats again on winning and achieving GoTW!!! :PanParty~1: What motivated you to achieve GoTW?

Thank you so much :heart38~1: Well after reaching major, I felt like I didn’t have much else to work for, and I had only ever tried once before to get GoTW so I though I may as well give it a go. And I’m so glad I did!

WOOO!!! I am so glad you got it!! Congratulations again, it was a very well deserved win. :PanDuck: Do you have a GoTW Command picked out because you achieved GoTW?

I do, and I love my command :PanParty: it’s very fitting with my personality! Did someone say chaos?:HellTree: :xmasmaniac:

YES!! it’s an amazing command!! Chaos is amazing :Elmo: Alright, switching the topic a little, what do you do when your not in Help Force? :please:

Ooh, when I’m not chatting in help force I’m usually either at work spending my day with cute cats and dogs or I’m at home chilling with my fam. I’m also studying for my exams in British sign language which I decided to take up during all my spare time this year:minimaracas:

Cats and dogs are so amazing!!! :heartcat: I never knew you studied sign language!! That’s so cool! Switching back to HF stuff, what would you say to anyone who is trying to win GoTW?

It’s super fun, and I like getting to help people too so it’s a win win:please: to anyone that’s trying to win GoTW, just go for it. It can feel very overwhelming to begin with when you think about the long week and when there’s so much competition to begin with. But give it your all and that’s all you can do, plus sleep between segs cause that’s your lifeline and you’ll thank yourself later when you’re awake at 4am:creepymajor:

Great advice! Sleep is honestly the hardest part about winning any GoTW. But it is so rewarding and worth it!! Thank you so much for being such a pleasure to interview today!! Congrats again on GoTW, such an incredible person undoubtedly deserves such an incredible title!

Yes so worth it:PanParty: thank you so much, and thank you for interviewing me today chickn:heart2~1:

Thank you so much for reading this week’s edition of Help Force Insight!!!
Keep Unleashing the power of helping!!!

Chickn strips

HF General, Blogger


HF Commander, Editor

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