Hola Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force! If you’re new and don’t know what FoTF is. Every week I interview an active troop of the Help Force and then write a post about them! Every active member of the force has a good chance of being a FoTF!! I’m so honoured to present you this week’s Face of the Force…. Xtra!
About Xtra
Xtra, is a really active troop from the EU time zone. Even though he doesn’t play Club Penguin often he still likes Card Jitsu. He also likes to listen to rap songs and you can find him in general chat but be careful with who you ping because you could confuse yourself.
Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.
Hey Xtra! Nice to have you here today with us!
Heyoooo glad to be here!!
How are you doing in this lovely day?
Well, it rained half the day so wasn’t that lovely . But yeah I’m doing really good thanks!
Oop rain… it was sunny here so… Weird Planet… So first oof, When did you join HF?
Ikr haha. Soo I joined in August 2020 and (after taking 2 months to work it out who it was lol) I was recruited by the amazing Snow! So glad she invited me to join fr
Wait wait… you knew us before joining? Big thanks to Snow then… She let us meet the wonderful xtra
Haha thank you! When I was playing cpr before, I often walked into random stamp segs and events. But because I’m dumb lol I never stayed for the whole seg or event, so never was able to be recruited. If I had, I would definitely have joined alot earlier haha.
Wow you arent dumb smh So, what made you stay in the group?
The people 100%. Tbh I was very suspicious of joining a group full of random people across the world, and didn’t originally think I’d stay for very long. But this community of people is incredible. Everyone is so friendly, kind and also funny lol. This group really helped me stay sane during the quarentine haha. Also I really love the events that we do, they are really fun aswell. So all of that only made me want to stay for longer!
Yeah it helped me a lot as well during quarantine oop. It made it funny and everything! Since you’ve been here for quite a time… Do you have any specific memory you always remember? A lot of things have happened since August
Hmm, honestly so many great things have happened since. Of course I have to mention my GoTW lol, achieving that after a really tiring week was a great feeling that I’ll always remember! Also this Halloween theme week has been awesome, I’ve had so much fun!
You definitely deserved it! You’re a really hard working troop so You’re a designer as well right? I saw the trophy you designed for the Halloween week. Tell us about it
Yes I am! So yeah I mainly used Photoshop to make it, I used some elements already existing in club penguin like the pumpkin head, where I recoloured and made look shiny and match the design I had thought of. I also spent some time drawing out custom parts for trophy like the dirt and the vines on the top. It didn’t take too long which was great, as I was very busy this week, but I really wanted to do it and i hope everyone liked it
Oh trust me. Everybody loved it! Really! When I saw it I was like “WOWOWOW XTRA MADE THAT” so yeah. Who is a staff member you look up to?
Sounds like an ego boost to me lol , nah jk jk lol. If I’m honest, I can’t pick just one lmao. I really admire and am amazed by the amount of hard work all the staff put into HF, alongside their already busy lives. It’s incredible. But yeah I can’t pick just one haha, they are all great fr. (Dw Moni you are near the top lol )
The other way around xtra I thought you would say Maya bc of her lollipops
Tell us how your perfect day would look like
HAHAHA, her lollipops are great ngl. My perfect day would be alone in the morning blasting music loud and chilling at home, before going out with friends in the afternoon to play football and going out to eat. Then gym probably in the evening before watching films with friends and family again for most the night
Omg all things we can’t do anymore that’s why it’s a perfect day… and a really good one if you ask me. So do you like football? Is that one of your Hobbies?
I love football so much fr, I’m probably not as good as holly is though lol. But yeah either that or filming short movies and music videos are my 2 biggest hobbies for sure.
I bet you’re incredible. Plus being outside and playing against friends it’s the best part about it You like filming short movies? THAT’S SO COOL!
Haha thanks, I think I’m decent but I can definitely improve lmao. I’d like to be a director when I’m older so they are for both me and others. Everything goes towards my portfolio which will hopefully help me get into the industry after uni. But also I do it just for fun
Omg so it’s pretty serious I’m really happy you found something you wanna do forever! Any Series or Movies you can recommend Helpers to watch?
Thank you yeah me too! Well, my booster role is The Fresh Prince for a reason lol so if people haven’t seen it, definitely check it out, it’s my favourite show ever! Also I’m a big star wars fan so definitely the Mandalorian is great also. My favourite film though is Avatar so if you like the Sci-Fi/Action Adventure genre, I’m sure you will like it!
Omg all this time we had it in front of ourselves :0!!! Nice nice imma look for it after this oop… You think you would aim for GoTW again?
Hmm, honestly I’m not sure. Although it was tiring, it was worth it. Probably not anytime very soon but never say never
Yes yes ofc ! But I am sure you have something to tell the Helpers right?
I do?
Before you go? WOW SO RUDE
Ahahhaa. Cough Well all I have to say before I go is KEEP ON HELPING PEEPS. You all are amazing fr. And thank you Moni for interviewing me! It was alot of fun.
Bueno Helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Xtra!
Signed, Monika!
Filed under: Faces of the Force, Help Force CP, HF of CP
sHoEs fOr jEsSe
Great interview guys!!!! (shoes for Jesse 🙂
and lollipops for Jesse and Monika!!! <3
Nice interview guys, congrats Jesse 🩺👟
‘you could confuse yourself’ Happened to me like two three times XD
loved the inrerview
shoes 👟 for 🩺 Jesse