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Faces of the Force – Skyler

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force!! If you’re new and don’t know what FoTF is, every week I interview an active troop of the Help Force and then write a post about them! Every active member of the Force has a good chance of being a FoTF!! This week, however, this post is being written by Marsh on girl mod!! Hope you all are excited for this week’s FoTF!!! Present to you, this week’s FoTF!! Skyler!!!

About Skyler

Skyler is a very active troop in the Help Force who joined in September 2020! She attends segments a lot and also has won GoTW! She is from AUSIA timezone and loves playing sled racing and find four and also enjoys listening to songs!


 Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.


Hey Skyler! Great to have you here!


It’s great to be here!


How are you today!!!!


Considering it’s Diwali, we’re having a wild celebration here!


Oooooo, hope you have fun!!! Let’s get into the questions 😀 When did you first join Help Force!


I joined around September and was recruited by Planet and I’m so glad she did cuz I’ve been having an amazing time here :star_struck:


You’ve been recruited by Planet, that’s so amazing!!!! And glad you have, we Helpers love to have you with us as well!!! Is there any hobby that you have in real life!?


I guess listening to music hahaha. Nah but for real I genuinely enjoy listening and singing. Oooo also playing badminton and basketball :zany_face:


Aha great! I love Basketball too! They’re amazing! And listen to one direction cos yes

Is there any mod in HF that you currently look up to?


I have looked up to Ru since the start. I love her confidence and how she carries herself. She’s extroverted making it easier for introverted me to converse with, and she’s both extremely sweet and understanding. She’s also helped me a crazy amount of times :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:


Awe yes Ru is amazing!!! Do you have like a favourite moment or like a memory in HF that you will never forget :O


Me getting Gotw is probably the most memorable memory I have. I was busy that week with exams and I had set multiple alarms throughout the night to attend all the segments and boii was I tired but it was so worth it! Both Diwix and Nafis were really good competitors and made it so hard yet so fulfilling :laughing:


Glad you got GoTW! You better keep attending segments :shook: Anyways, what are your favourite things to do in the Force?!


AHhhh this is a tough one but I most enjoy playing among us with everyone and attending tournaments, especially sled-racing and find four tournaments :star_struck:


Omg funn!!!! glad you are enjoying!!!! Is there anything you would like to tell to the Helpers reading :O


To our fellow helpers, thank you so much for making me feel like a part of this family. Tbh, when I first joined I was tad bit skeptical of all the new people and the events happening here but I’m glad I stuck through. Cuz I’m introverted I don’t tend to converse or reach out a lot but since joining the Help Force I’ve also made a ton of friends and managed to fight my loneliness away. Let’s all continue to work hard on recruiting new people to join the Help Force :laughing:


Greatt! Anything you wanna add before you go!?


I just want to thank everyone for being so friendly and helpful. You may not know it but your small sweet actions can make someone’s entire day :smile: Also, thanks Marsh for the fun interview! I’m glad I had this opportunity :blush:


Aw, tysm for your time and allowing me to take this interview!!!!

Alright helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Skyler!

3 Responses

  1. Congratssoo Skylerr!!! Great Interview Marshhh!!

  2. Nice interview

    1D sucks tho

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