Hola Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Faces of the Force! If you’re new or don’t know what FoTF is… Every week I interview an active member of the Help Force and write a post about them! Every active member has a chance! WHOOP WHOOP… I’m so honoured to present you this week’s Face of the Force… Comedy!!
About Comedy
Comedy is an active troop of the Help Force! She is known for being in the gambling channel where she gambles all the money she has… oop. Blackjack is her favourite! *she’s kinda addicted to it* Comedy also likes to play Dance Contest and going to stamp segments! You can find her, of course, in the commands and gambling channel or during the comedy hour, US times.
Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.
Hola comedy! So nice to have you here today!
Hi Thanks for having me
Wait… Wasnt your name comedyguy? Why did u change it? oop
So my very first penguin was comedyguy71 back in 2005. My friend convinced me to play and gave me his account, so when I realized CPR existed, I just kept the name. Except, I’m not a guy so I thought I would make it easier and get rid of the ending. Besides, everyone called me comedy anyway.
Omg yeah I remember thinking you were a guy as well bc of the name! Lolol. You know sometimes is hard to guess the pronouns but bc of the name I thought that oop… Alr sooo… When did you join HF?
I think the middle of June.
That’s awesome! Do you remember how you found us? During a segment or something?
Ya actually. I saw you guys going through a stamp segment and decided I wanted a slice of that pie too. I really wanted that 30 person igloo stamp. Although, I discovered commands really quickly and hid there for a few months
Omg LOL did you get that stamp at that segment or you had to wait? Bc sometimes happens that oop.. And yeah… you gamble a lot don’t you
I somehow managed to get my stamp that day too. Not quite sure how that happened considering the length of the list. I gamble a lot. It’s fun; better fake money than real in my opinion
Oh yeah imagine losing all the real money oop… So what made you stay even after getting that stamp you wanted?
Well, I was really quiet at first. I attended a few things down the road, but I wasn’t very active. I stayed mostly to gamble with pink and a few others. I did end up meeting a few people in general who I spoke with, but since I was working quite a bit, I wasn’t around much.
You still got to attend and help us out when we needed it! That’s amazing .. Now, if there was one thing you could change or add to HF, what would you do?
Oh, I feel like this is a trick question . Maybe more game tournaments, but I don’t really know. However, I did find something for you from way back when…
I- I never understood why you said that I DON’T BULLY PEOPLE
I didn’t understand either. I just went with it and then turned us into dragons
LOL and… more tournaments! That would be cool uwu. Since you’re a Directing Officer you should host one someday! How do you feel about hosting?
I enjoy it! I’m thinking about asking to do more of them in the future, although this month has been a bit full with the Fright or Fight going on.
Omg yes! It would be amazing to have another comedy tournament soon! Who is a staff member you look up to?
Well, I think I told you at one point that I change my mind throughout the day depending on who is on. I think it would be safe to say I look up to all you guys equally.
Oh yeah that thing about the favourite person I hope you didnt lose those 100k I gave you
I think it lasted all of 20 minutes. Maybe an hour if there was a segment. At one point I was very lucky, but my luck seems to have gone a bit try lately.
Oop yeah well you never know with that bot… that’s why better stay out of gambling before you lose 900k in 2 bj rounds
I have only done that twice! It was fun when I actually got it right though. 1 out of 3 isn’t bad odds, right?
ITS ALWAYS RED COMEDY ITS ALWAYS RED! You gamble here bc it’s not real money so… what do you do in your free time and when you’re not here in the server talking or gambling all your money
When I’m not here, I gamble in real life too… Just kidding, outside of HF, you will usually find me at the hospital working which is why I am usually at AUSIA events rather than US. I have met the other insomniacs here because of those odd hours. I’m a big gardener and go scuba diving when the weather is right (and I have the time).
So you are a doctor? That’s amazing! And LMAO the insomniacs
HF people istg
Ya, I’m a resident so I savor the free time I can get. Usually I’m waiting around when I pop in for events or segments. The little insomnia group is more fun than given credit. Who cares if we haven’t slept in 3 days, right?
That’s so cool!!!! And i- … you know comedy you’re talking to someone who needs at least 8 hours of sleep to get through the day
Hey, everybody has their own requirements. I just require more blackjack and less sleep
You dive as well… Do you like to go to specific places or to explore all you can?
I have a goal of diving in 6 continents (Antarctica is too cold for me, I’m sorry). I’m only half way but I will go pretty much anywhere as long as it isn’t freezing.
I want to go to the Antarctica sooooooo bad haha… Well I see you’ve seen quite a bit. If you had vacations rn where would you go? Forget the fact that theres Corona
I was actually supposed to go to Eastern Europe in May but that obviously didn’t happen. I was supposed to visit Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary, but everything got delayed and ultimately cancelled
That’s really so sad 🙁 omg I wish you can plan it again someday when this is over… Anything you want to tell the Helpers?
Yes! They should know that gambling is okay and that they should try it sometime. Also, US helpers need to be more chatty because I’m running out of jokes for comedy hour.
LMAO HAHA that made me laugh. Thank you so much for being here comedy! Was really fun
Thanks again for having me.
Bueno Helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Comedy!
Signed, Monika!
Filed under: Faces of the Force, Help Force CP, HF of CP
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