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Meet the Bloggers!

Help Force is a wonderful place, a place full of fun, and most importantly a circus! I’m kidding, our most important thing isn’t just being a circus, it’s also being a big family! There is so much that happens that we end up needing people to document it! Our important history, our wonderful jokes as well as guides to help each other and most importantly, our events. So, to help document this information, we have this place! Help Force’s website. So let’s find out who helps keep this site the way it is!



Our administrator of the Help Force’s site is our Commander, Barnito. As an administrator, his job is to make sure that all the writers are able to write over on the site. He helps in making sure the site is accessible to all as well!

Web Head


Our head of web is Help Force’s Marshal, Jayden. It is my job as the head of web to make sure everything is organised as well as update posts that require it. I also along with the editors, make sure that those writing for the site, have their posts looking pretty and help moderate the content that is uploaded here. With the help of the Administrator and Editor, we decide what kind of content the Help Force site needs and deserves!


Currently, there is no one in this position! We do expect someone to get it soon!


Help Forces authors currently consist of all of the HF Staff, But we have a few important staff members that specifically work on making unique and exciting posts for HF.

HF Marshals Monika and Riley, and HF Generals Chickn, Josh, and Rooboo.


Finally, we have our Non-staff writers that are ready to make HF’s site a wonderful place. Newly appointed SnowflakeSoft, Traffic Light, and Skillz are our newest bloggers to the HF Blog Team! They help bring variety and content to the Help Force and even bring things from the Helpers’ point of view! Keep your eyes open for new posts from these guys!

HF Staff

Lastly, the HF Staff. They are the ones that make our event posts for you guys to comment and receive promotions on. With an occasional comedic post/ Interview, these are the wonderful people that let you get your promotions, so make sure to thank them!

And that concludes our Blog Team. Yes, we are pretty small but sometimes great things, come in small packages! Make sure to give all of these guys a thank you for making our site a wonderful reading corner!


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