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Faces of the Force – Skillz

Hola Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Faces of the Force! For the ones who are new or don’t know what FoTF is… I interview an active member of the Help Force and write a post about them. Every active troop has a chance to get FoTF! I’m so honoured to present you this week’s Face of the ForceSkillz!

About Skillz

Skillz is an active member of the Help Force Community. He plays a lot of games in Club Penguin like Cart Surfer, Cart Jitsu Fire, Sled Racing and even Mancala sometimes. That’s why he considers himself a CP fan! You can find him talking in general chat or even tracking Mascots!


Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.


Hey hey Skillz! It’s nice to interview you today!


Yep! Feels good!


Cool cool, to start off… When did you join Help Force?


I joined Help Force for the first time on July 27th 2019, I used to watch Rorange’s YouTube videos, those introduced me to the army society!


Oh wow! That’s great.. You remember and have a whole history here in HF!:E5: First time? So you joined a second time?


Yep, I left Help Force for a bit in December 2019. I suddenly felt an urge to come back to see everyone in June 2020, that’s when I commited myself to the Help Force! It was a totally remarkable experience!


You came back!:luv: What’s the thing that made you stay in HF and even come back?


The People! Help Force has it’s wonderful people! There’s always someone that makes you smile in Help Force!


Yeah the people make this community amazing! So, what’s your current rank?


I’m a Tier 1 Colonel! Hoping to hit Major soon.


YES!!! You would be one of the alphabet guys! WHOOP WHOOP :juanhue: you’re a tracker as well, right?


Uh-huh! I became a Help Force tracker a few weeks after I joined HF for the second time, it’s a pleasure to be working hard with the Tracker Team! 😀


YES!!! If you could change or add a thing to Help Force, what would you do?


hmm.. that’s a very good question. I would like to add something called a “Happy-o-meter” where people can share their pro’s and con’s about HF!


Wow, that’s very creative skillz Haha! Who is a staff member you look up to :eyes:? haha


hmm.. I don’t want to make anyone upset. All I can say is, all the staff members are awesome in their own ways, and they are always here to assist me!


That’s very nice of you uwu. What about your name? Cosmic and Skillz?


This is actually a pretty funny story, back in CPO, when I was choosing a name, I just thought Skillz was pretty cool. (and to make my name cooler I added “xX” in there.) After I joined HF, People started calling me Skillz, I was attached to this name ever since! Cosmic is just a name I use for gaming purposes! What’s funny is that my name was actually Cosmic when I joined HF, although a mod had instructed me to make sure it’s the same as my CPO name. Therefore, I have this name.


Wowowowow you really have a story behind it! So, what do you like to do outside of HF?


I often like to track planes, there’s a particular site I use. I find it really amazing to see planes from all around the world! That’s what makes me feel happy and pretty much show’s who I am.


That’s actually pretty cool. Would you like to do something with planes in the future?


Indeed! I hope to make an impact in the airplane world, it is a dream of mine since I was 7!


It’s an incredible dream, indeed! Do you also watch shows or movies?


Not really a big fan of shows and movies, but I do like to join in with my sister when she’s watching!


Cute cute:heh:… Are you aiming for GoTW someday?


I sure am! It’s just that there’s some school stuff and exams here and there, so I’m not able to completely focus on GoTW, although I do aim on getting it someday 😉


Yeah I understand that our lives are coming back lolol. Anything you want to tell the readers?


I just wanna say, it can be a bit difficult to attend events and segments sometimes. Just do it when you think you’re stress-free and want to do something really fun and different. Don’t force yourself!


That’s a pretty good advice. Ty for letting me interview you today skillz, was pretty fun to get to know you :luv:


Thanks for having me! Help Force Best Force!

Bueno Helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Skillz!

Signed, Monika!:juanhue:

5 Responses


    -love from Rachel x

  2. Great interviewwwwwww.! congratulations skilllzzzz on being this weeks Face of the Force.! great questions and answers.! Thank u Monikaaa and Skilzzzzz.!;)<3

  3. Great interview!!!! Congratulations skillz!!!!!

  4. Thank you so much for having me!

  5. Awesome interview, Congratss Skilz!!!

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