Hola Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force! For those who don’t know what FoTF is… Every week we interview a non-staff/regular member of the Help Force and write a post about them! So if you are active… you may have a chance! I’m so honored to present you this week’s Face of the Force.… Mayathefirst!
About Mayathefirst
Mayathefirst, also known as Maya, is a really friendly and active US troop of the Help Force! Since her timezone is US, you can always find her attending all the segments and events that happen during that time. She doesn’t know how she named herself Mayathefirst but what she DOES know is that she loves to play Cart Surfer!! So you better take some advice from her because she’s really good!
Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.
Hey maya! How are you doing in this lovely day?
Hey Monika, im doing well, how are you doing?
I’m great is nice to have you here today! Ty for asking! So first off, When did you first join HF?
I believe I joined HF May 2, 2020
Oh wow, you know the exact date lolol. What’s your current rank?
Yea lol, its was actually the date I was suppose to fly somewhere, but ended up not going. My current rank is Major.
Omg Coronavirus? I totally get it our of our plans ruined!! AND OMG YOURE A MAJOR!!! Part of the ex alphabet
How’s been this journey for you?
Yes the ex alphabet lol! The journey has been fun and tough, fun when I was able to go to everything because of covid and tough now because I’m in school but I try to make to anything I can!
Yeah, that was literally the only good thing about the covid situation. We had time… and of course! We love to have you with us + you’ve been an awesome helper WHOOP WHOOP!… Now, if there was one thing you could change or add to HF, what would you do?
Wow thats a tough question, hmmm, I can’t really think of anything to change or add to HF, I feel its a great community with amazing staff and helpers always there to help anyone!
That’s so sweet of you! Who is a staff member that you look up to?
I really look up to all the staff because they have all helped me in different ways. If I had to chose one, I would say Barney because he’s the commander and does a lot for the community! I would also pick you because you helped me with my first segment and your always there to answer my questions when I needed it!
I’m beyond honoured Maya! HAHA I REMEMBER!!! Your first segment. It feels like yesterday oop. Outside of HF, what do you normally do when you have free time?
Lol, in my free time I usually study lol, I also play the piano, do Indian dance, play video games, and hangout with family and friends.
LOL another person for the Indian Force … You study! I bet your grades are better than mine then oop and you even play the piano! Please teach me someday. We only have talented people here and then there’s me… What kind of music do you like to play?
Lol, I like playing any type of music but I did learn some Beethoven ones but kinda forget them because its been a while lol.
That’s pretty cool. You don’t hear that every day and even if you learned it someday… it stays forever, music has memory. or something I don’t really remember how the sentence goes… Do you aim for GoTW in the near future? I’ve always seen you so close to get it!
Lol, yea I know I’ve been close to getting it, and I want to try to get GoTW someday. But because of school right now, I might not be able to but hopefully soon I can try!
Of course! I understand and I really wish you all the best with it! I know you can be one of our future GoTW’s… Anything you want to tell the readers? uwu
I would say enjoy every moment you get from HF. There is always something fun happening and people here to help you in any way they can! Even if your shy or dont know what to say, you will always make friends that will be there for you!
It’s been so cool to interview you today! Ty again Maya!
Your welcome, thank you for having me!
Bueno Helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Maya!

Filed under: Faces of the Force, Help Force CP, HF of CP
Good Stuff, as always!
Awww cute Maya!! Well done on being FoTF!
Nice post Monika <3
Great post as always..!! Great job really I love you all.!☺️😍
Awwwwe nice interview :’)))
Love the interview ! 🤗♥️
I thought it’s Mayathefirst bc some other Mayas joined and Mayathefirst just wanted to be recognized as… the first 😛 I was pretty sure a saw a convo about that a few months ago…
Great interview. Learned so much I never knew about Maya!
WOW Nice MAYA Beethoven and Indian dancing!
Great interview thank You Monika 😍
Amazing interview!!! I can’t wait for the next one uwu