[EU] Viscount Takeover

Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Viscount Takeover! The event included rooms like Town, Iceberg & Stadium led by Nelly, Janez & Rooboo respectively. We had good tactics and bombs. Good job Helpers!


Comment below for Points!

Unleash The Power Of Helping!

16 Responses

  1. attended even though mods tried to kick us!

  2. I attended!

  3. I attended, it was fun even though it was rough.

  4. attended :Awe:

  5. i attended

  6. I came :p

  7. I attended!

  8. Attended! I literally got kicked out twice but it was fun

  9. Thank YOU for hosting, Snowflake-Soft

  10. My main account got banned. So, I made a new one and used it during the event. Main account’s name is “Sam Chilles” and new account’s name is “Fred Chilles”. But, the new name isn’t reflected immediately so, my penguin’s name during event was P7037249.
    The event was fun and I enjoyed it!!

  11. I attended until I got banned😅ty for hosting despite everything!

  12. Thankkk you for hostingg♥️♥️

  13. Planet was there!

  14. I attended!

  15. I attended

  16. Ty for hosting!!!

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