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[EU] Branch Battles

As usual, every Sunday we log on for our weekly Branch Battle! This week, Team Aliens and Team Robots logged on to HFIsland with this weeks Branch Battle. Both teams did really well in all areas of the battle, but once again, Team Aliens snuck in with the win with the score ultimately ending 4-0.

This battle was judged by Barney!


Comment below for points!

Room 1: Inside Mine Aliens enter with a bang. Huge word bubble to cover the robots. I think the Robots were in confusion as to where Inside Mine was ? They entered a little later. Aliens started off with a strong Reverse T formation. Robots were very slow at the start. Struggling to fix the formation and start with tactics, the aliens had already begun without spending too much time to get in the formation. Aliens were quicker than the robots. Aliens were the only one to bomb this room. Aliens win this room.

Room 2: Forest Robots were alert that they were slow in the first room. They picked up their lost pace with respect to their room entry and their tactic speed. Both the teams started off very good. Robots were quick enough to earn themselves a room. This room results in a tie

Room 3: EPF Aliens entered first again. Robots were quick enough to follow them. Aliens formed powerful V formation while the robots did a T. Aliens were slightly quicker and had strong word tactics. More efficient and had a size advantage. The aliens dominated the room again.

Room 4: Beach Robots entered the room first with their J bomb while Aliens were not long behind them with a huge word bubble. The scatter formation of the Robots could not have countered the Anchor formation of the other team. The robots used my innovative variations of the wipe tactic while the Aliens did a J tornado. To overcome the huge X form by the aliens, robots needed a miracle. Aliens again.

Room 5: Inside Dojo Aliens were aware of the room change and they entered 20s before the robots. A good V of robots was overpowered by the solid Plus formation of the opposition. Both the teams showed good display of tactics and formations. Robots were quicker in the start but the Aliens picked up their pace quickly. Alien victory again.

Final Result: :teamaliens: 4 – 0 :teamrobots:

Help Force Best Force!

14 Responses


  2. I attended!

  3. I attended

  4. I came! Help Force Best Force!💙

  5. I attended!

  6. I attended! HFBF!💫

  7. Team Alienss WOOHOOO🖖🏻 Thank you for hosting♥️

  8. I attended!


  10. Thank YOU for Hosting, Snowflake-soft.

  11. Attended but forgot to comment 🙁

  12. I Attended! Thank you for hosting!

  13. I came ~ team aliens ftw

  14. I attended!! Ty for hosting🤞🏽

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