Hey Helpers! Let’s talk about Recruitment and How to recruit today.
Recruitment is essential for any army. They host recruitment sessions for influx of new members. A recruit basically means a new member to the army. In the Help Force, we have Blue Squadron Server where all the recruiters are grouped together to form the Recruiting Branch of the Help Force. The benefits of joining is also mentioned after the recruitment tutorials.
This tutorial is solely devoted to teaching you the Club Penguin Game recruiting techniques. Some recruiters prefer individual recruiting, some prefer to team up with others and recruit. That is totally your choice.
Even though this post is called the Ultimate Recruitment Guide, CPRewritten always update their game by muting certain words or lines which we use. Hence, stuff like these keep changing. But the basic recruitment algorithm remains the same as what I am going to explain to you now.
Pre Log On Requirements:
- If you’re taking part in recruiting, get a Recruitment Cadet role from #role-apply to be ping for updates!
- It is advised to create an alternate account for recruiting purposes. This is done to protect your main account from being banned or safe-chatted. CPR staff do not like armies recruiting because of safety rules.
- Make the alt looking less suspicious by buying it some clothes!
Choosing servers:

You are allowed to use any server! Servers with 2+ bars are ideal to recruit because they have decent number of penguins playing. In any populated server, it is better if you do not recruit in Town. This room will always have a CPR staff member and it is too busy to recruit.
Now, there are two types of recruiting – Solo and RSS. Solo Recruiting is basically recruiting new members by yourself without anyone’s aid or help. RSS ( Rogue Support System ) is where two or more experienced recruiters team up.
Solo Recruitment Algorithm:
- Scout for rooms with a decent amount of penguins.
- Walk up to them with a simple “Hey!” and try to catch their attention.
- Have a short conversation about the ongoing party, mascot or their outfit.
- If they say No, then reply with, “It’s alright, hope you have a good day! Cya!“.
- Don’t try to force them to join and don’t spend more than 5-7 minutes on one penguin.
- You may receive a lot of negative responses during the start of your recruiting career, but do not lose hope. This gets better with practice. Attend more segments, try to be efficient. Talk to the staff, they’re always happy to help.
Examples of Solo recruiting:
Example 1:
- Walk up to the player and say “Hello, may i sit?“, “Hi, how are you?” or anything similar to that.
- If they have your attention and they’re replying to you, proceed with “I am happy, my friends and I have an event today“
- They’ll definitely ask what the event is about. You can reply with “It is a fun event, just like a takeover with lots of penguins“
- Talk about it, then the stamps that you can earn during the event, etc.
- Then say “You seem cool, would you like to join?“.
- If they give a positive response, then quickly open your notepad, copy and send the line which is needed. You may have to send it more than once.
Example 2:
- Walk up to the player and say “Hey, how’s it going?” or anything similar to that.
- Then, “Hey, have you ever tried earning stamps with groups ?“. Keep chatting with them about stamps.
- Then, “I’m in a stamp helpers group, which can help you get those. Wanna Join ? They’re really cool“
- If you receive a positive response, then, “Open a new window and look this up“.
- Ask them after each step if they understood you or not.
- Then, “stamp heist cpr“. You might have to send this 2-3 times so that they’ll follow accurately.
- After that, “its the first result” and then “tap on JOIN, bottom right“
- After they join, tell them to reply in #welcome chat. Send these “Please reply in the welcome chat“,
We are also known as Stamp Helpers / Stamp Gang / Stamp Hunters. These terms are pretty famous among players and make sure you use them as per your needs. Players would definitely want to join them!
This part should be clear now.
This screenshot shows how everything that i said till now can be implemented in the game.

User lemon juice7 is a recruiter and Pokemon53 is the recruit.

User lemon juice7 is a recruiter and leatherookie is the recruit.
Rogue Support System (RSS):
It’s probably best to do RSS if you have some experience in solo recruiting. Usually, two or more recruiters team up and one of them acts like a CPR player who’s not a part of the Help Force which is a false rogue, hence “Rogue Support”.
- Find a room which is suitable for recruiting, where there isn’t much hubbub.
- Now, the false rogue, goes and starts a conversation with the other players.
- The other introduces HF to the false rogue and other players in the room.
- Talk about HF as a stamp group/fun group which has various fun events/ mascot n pin trackers, etc
- The false rogue will agree to whatever the recruiter is saying and will encourage others to join as well.
- Then finally, send the lines so that they can lookup and join.
- This is usually time consuming, but think about 2-3 recruits joining at the same time, you’re spending 1/3rd the time needed to recruit them individually by just recruiting all of them at once.
Post Recruitment:
- After the person you were speaking to joins the discord, feel free to engage with them in the main chat!
- Note down the CPR name and the Discord name of your recruit and post it in #recruits-log channel in Blue Squadron server. Follow the trend that the others have used.
Benefits of the Recruitment Division:
- You will be awarded with sapphires for gaining recruits.
- By earning Sapphires, you will rank up faster!
- Having a large number of Sapphires by the end of the week will improve your chances of winning the Gamer of The Week (GoTW). GoTW is an award given to the best Helper of the week.
- Each recruit is worth 30 Sapphires!
- The number of recruits you get will be counted towards the Weekly Leaderboard.
- Finish at the top of the Recruiting Leaderboard 4 times to become a Recruiting God!
So, i guess that’s it for now folks. Be sure to DM the Staff if you have any questions. We’re all here to help.
Until next time folks, this is Barney, signing off.
Unleash the Power of Helping!
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