Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Life Jacket Takeover. The rooms that we used were Town, Beach, and Docks led by Monika, Alexei, and Kendall. We used as many rooms that seemed to make sense with our takeover. We also did many inspired tactics, amazing bombs, and formations.

MAX: 42+

Comment on the post if you came for a promotion!

Thanks for coming to today’s event, hope to see you at many more.
Keep Unleashing The Power of Helping!

10 Responses

  1. attended

  2. i attended

  3. THANK YOU FOR HOSTING, Snowflake-soft.

  4. I attended, thanks for hosting!!

  5. attended

  6. I attended!

  7. I came. :p

  8. Attended!

  9. I came

  10. 🌊🌊

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