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HF Insight: Fin.

Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short!

The HF Insight will be about the previous Sunday along with the following Week. (i.e. Sunday-Saturday) 

Table of Contents

  • What’s Happening?
  • Week in Short
  • Interviews
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Info

What’s Happening?

Welcome to What’s Happening? Here, we will go through all the latest server updates for the week! Of course, we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Happening!

Our Helpers gathered their best dresses and suits and logged onto CPA to have our first ever Help Force Prom! We saw categories like Prom King/Queen, Best Staff, and Best Single Female which.. oddly.. went to Ayan… Ahem, anyway, congrats to all of our winners, and we hope everyone had fun!

Recruitment Segments were also held as we got ready to face RPF on Saturday. But obviously there were so many Segments our Staff needed help! Many Helpers above the Managing Officer rank decided to help us out and host a few segments, some even being 2 Hours! Help Force never stops Helping!

In some other fun news, HF is now 3rd in the Top 20 Armies! Let’s work our way to the top!

Week In Short

Sunday, 21st June 2020

Read the Ice Cream v. Pizza Branch Battle post here

The BB leaderboard gets another point for Team Ice Cream giving a score of
:EQ~8:Ice Cream [3 – 0] Pizza :EZ~6:

The cool team Ice Cream, are at their 3rd consecutive win! It seems like the Pizzas are in a pretty cheesy situation and need to step their flavor game up next week!

Monday, 22nd June 2020

Monday brought our Helpers a [US] Life Jacket Takeover! Led by Monika, Alexei, and Kendall, our event maxed 42+ and we saw some life-saving tactics throughout the Beach, Town, and Cove.

Tuesday, 23rd June 2020

Tuesday gave us a slice of a [AUSIA] Pizza Takeover. Maxing 50+, our event was led by Barney and Marshmallow and had some cheesy tactics to match! We saw Helpers create incredible forms and tossing dough for days!

Along with our AUSIA event, we had a [EU] Hip Hop Takeover! Kendall and Hannah led our Helpers through rooms like the Town, Casa Fiesta, and Snow Forts and maxed 44+ with their incredible moves! Or at least… Kendall’s moves… Sorry, Hannah.

Wednesday, 24th June 2020

Today was a break day for main events as we had the much anticipated HF Prom! Take a look at it in the What’s Happening section above!

Thursday, 25th June 2020

Thursday brought us our [EU] Stamp Frenzy event! Lead by Barnito, we maxed 41+ and made a lot of Helpers happy! Collecting stamps like Happy Room, Pizza Lover, and Igloo Party!

Following the Stamp event, we had our [US] Football/Soccer Event led by Komal, Monika, and Alexei. We maxed 33+ and scored some great tactics and formations! I think that’s a win for us! 😉

Friday, 26th June 2020

A wonderful Mancala event was hosted during AUSIA times and was hosted by Kara and Roxy and congratulations to lafilleaveclevisage/Taylor for winning this amazing but confusing mini-game!

We also had a wonderful [EU] Card-Jitsu Tournament hosted by Tistle. The event was held in a Round-Robin style. Congratulations to:

1st Place – Piesu
2nd Place – Cherry Cherry
3rd Place – Stemv

Saturday, 27th June 2020

It was the final day! The biggest Help Force Battle in History. DCP and DW were nothing when compared to this week’s competition. It was time for Help Force to face their allies RPF in the Legends Cup X Finals! HF got a good max of 69+ for our final match and sadly we lost. But hey! We came 2nd!!



GoTW Interview
Dated: 27/06/2020

This week’s GoTW is an amazing member of the force! Angel also known as Ghost of Riddles is an amazing member of the US Division! He got stuck with HF Syndrome for a week and it paid off for sure!

HFI: Hey Angel! Glad to finally see your face here :). How does it feel to be GoTW now?

Angel: honestly, the immediate aftermath I was so drained, it’s just now sinking in how nice it is.

HFI: Aw, I’m glad you’re enjoying the spotlight! How long have you been here and working for the role?

Angel: I joined by sheer accident close to two months ago, as for the role… that also happened by accident, I knew I had a stretch of a couple of weeks where I was feeling better than normal so I embraced it.

HFI: Do you think you will strive to get GoTW again in the future?

Angel: If I have another week like the last one where I’m feeling really good I might, it depends on how I’m feeling entirely though.

HFI: Aww, I’m glad you’re optimistic for the future! So tell us a little bit about you. Do you have any hobbies or favorite things to do outside of HF?

Angel: I’ve been a guitarist for 14 years, spent some time writing out songs of my own just to pass the time… I’m really big on music.

HFI: We have a lot of musicians here! It’s really nice to hear from everyone on their different instruments and music genres 🙂 So for HF, what do you think is your favorite part?

Angel: I mean, we hop in the game and cause total madness, it’s always fun to do that.

HFI: Haha yeah that’s always fun! So before we end our interview, tell us about your command! Do you have one and what is it?

Angel: I sure do, I decided we needed more random fact ones so I added the bee fact.

HFI: Lovely. Now, do you have anything to tell our Helpers before we sign off?

Angel: just one thing and I suck with words so bear with me a little bit, but it’s like I said in my speech earlier, how much you do doesn’t say as much about you as how much heart you put into it.


Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the CPAH Top Twenty, here are the statistics for the week!

Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited 200+ Helpers from 21st – 27th June!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM Jayden#2004 or Alexeii#0615!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!


HFI Co-writers: Alexei and Jayden

Editor: Hannah

Issue #19

One Response


    Btw. Great post!

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