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Get to Know the Help Force Staff: Skeleton Lad

Hey Helpers! The Help Force staff team has grown like ever before, with some Dynasties even coming back to serve again. This time, I’m taking over this series and flipping it onto our previous author, Skeleton Lad, also usually called “ret”, “skel”, or “skele,” has been in the Help Force since December 26th, 2018. Can you believe that? Everyone has something special about them, and I’m sure you can spot him everywhere with the amazing art he creates, and piña coladas. In this interview, you’ll find out so much more about this beloved member of the HF than you ever thought.

Everything in this interview has not been touched or edited from our original words.


You’ve been in the Help Force for a while now, but how long have you’ve been a moderator?

Skeleton Lad

I’ve been a mod in the Help Force since July 20th, 2019 at 12:20 pm EST HAHAGDVK


Wow, ty for ur service :GWvertiPeepoCheer:
Do you think you’ve made a significant impact on the Help Force since you became mod? If so, how do you think you’ve helped?

Skeleton Lad

I personally don’t think I myself have made a significant impact on the Help Force since I’ve become mod, but instead, I believe that the whole staff team as a whole helps makes the impact. This is also true for our members because they contribute greatly to the success of the help force. I’ve always been happy and glad to help out with creating designs for the help force and even help host segments when other mods couldn’t at the time, so when I became a mod I was excited to push this experience further. I was able to host segments at the times I personally know when US people are the most active and fit it to their schedule after school.
oh my


:GWseremePeepoGGERS: that’s great detail
What is your favorite tactic to use during Help Force events?
(and why oops hehe)

Skeleton Lad

My favorite tactic is definitely the bomb when we say:
because although it may be a simple tactic to the eye, when we as a group perform this tactic it’s extraordinary. It shows we are unified and yes we are the help force. Overall, it just puts a simple but effective message across.


Amazing point there
What’s your favorite thing to do in CPO and why?

Skeleton Lad

My favorite thing to do in CPO is definitely just trying to meet new people because it’s always fun to find someone you can connect within the game. This can help you build connections. In fact, this is actually how I met some of the current HF mods and leaders, Moon, Ao, Spotty and, Lottie.


ooh wow that’s actually really cool
What’s your favorite CPO game and why?

Skeleton Lad

My favorite game is puffle roundup. Ever since I was little and was playing og club penguin I’ve always found this game to be the most fun to me. It helped me earn a lot of coins and I could play many rounds of it without getting bored easily.


ahh same but those puffles do get annoying
why can’t they just go into the freaking walls like sToP rUnNiNg AwAy FrOm Me I tHoUgHt U lOvEd Me

Skeleton Lad



What is your favorite color?

Skeleton Lad

My favorite color is Green 🙂


Skeleton Lad

Just like the color of my penguin


Some people may not know this, so I’ll ask for all Helpers to know. How did the skeleton theme become your thing?
since you basically identify with it and everything

Skeleton Lad

Ooo that’s a good question
It all started when I had this gif as my discord profile picture. I was new to the help force and a former leader by the name of Elpiojo123 (who was a mod at the time) was talking to me about Steven Universe. Then he asked if he can call me skeleton lad and I agreed. I thought it was such a cool nickname. Ever since then my name on discord has been skeleton lad or some variation of it like skeleton lad likes piña coladas. The piña coladas comes from when Elp would go to the Cove in the game and would drink “piña coladas” and I would sit with him.


Oh gosh yeah you’re really talented and we all see that in the amazing art u create for the help force (and WE LOVE KOBEEE)

Skeleton Lad

Awejshs :PanSadHeart:


Bonus question by me: What is your favorite memory or moment that has happened during your time as a moderator?

Skeleton Lad

I have many memories that I’m fond of, but my favorite memory would definitely have to be when the HF Bot went offline and we were all going crazy. When we’re adding points it didn’t work at first, but it took 2 minutes to upload the points. In the points chat at the time, you could see 4 mods trying to put in all their points at the same time and going mad when it wouldn’t work. :joy:


HAHA that must’ve been a mess
Finally, is there anything you would like to tell all Help Force members reading this?

Skeleton Lad

To all the help force members I would just like to say one phrase that speaks for itself, Thank you for your awesomeness! The help force community is special, it’s like a rose that grew out of the concrete in the sense that we are all so lucky to have each other because we connect on such a rare level. We are 10,600 members strong at the moment. As someone who’s been here since December, I would like to say that we all impact each other’s lives when we unleash the power of helping! I love you all <3
Thank you, Amy, for interviewing me!


Awe that’s great ty for staying so loyal to the HF!

And there you have it guys, the interview you’ve been waiting for. I hope you guys learned something new about him! So if you see him hanging out around CPO (homework) sipping piña coladas, or having friendly chats with Help Force members in Discord (retxro#7004), be sure to say hi!!!

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